Outlook 2016 Intermediate/Advanced

Lesson – Organizing Outlook Items

Outlook 2016



T ASK Practice organizing items in Outlook.

1. Open the Tasks pane. Create two new tasks: one with the subject Review training reports and the other with the subject Prepare quarterly objectives .

2. Apply the Orange category to both tasks and rename the category to Key Tasks .

3. Create a new category called Training . Apply this category to the Review training reports task.

4. Sort the tasks By Category . and then return to the default view, Simple List .

5. Set the Quick Click Category to Training .

6. View the tasks in the Detailed List view. Select the High Importance button (the ! button in the Tags Group) for the Review training reports task and change the priority to High. 7. Use a simple find to locate tasks containing the text quarterly in the Tasks folder. Close the Find ribbon. 8. Use find to search for the word training in the Tasks or Deleted Items folder. ( Hint: Use the Browse button to select another folder. ) Search the subject and notes fields for the search word. Look for items with High importance only. ( Hint: Use the More Choices page. ) Find the items and then close the Advanced Find window. 9. Create a new appointment on your Calendar using the Prepare quarterly objectives task. Schedule the appointment for the next 10 minutes. Set a reminder to appear 10 minutes before the appointment. 10. When the Reminder dialog box opens, double-click the reminder to open it. Deselect the reminder option. Save and close the Appointment window.

11. Display the Detailed List view in the Tasks pane.

12. Customize the current view. Display only the Subject, Categories and Status fields. Add the Actual Work and Total Work fields to the view. Select both work fields and move them to a position under the Status field. Close all open dialog boxes.

13. Remove the Categories field from the view.

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