Project 2016 - Introduction

Lesson – Scheduling Tasks

Project 2016



As Late As Possible (ALAP)

The task starts as late as possible, given its relationships, without holding up the completion of the project. This constraint is used by default when scheduling a project from a finish date backward. When this constraint is applied, you do not enter a date manually. The task starts as soon as possible, given its relationships. This constraint is used by default when scheduling a project from a start date forward. When this constraint is applied, you do not enter a date manually. The task must not be completed before the date specified. This constraint is assigned automatically if you enter a finish date for a task in a project scheduled from the start date forward. The task must be completed on or before the date specified. This constraint is assigned automatically if you enter a finish date for a task, when scheduling from a finish date backward. The task must be finished on the date specified, regardless of its relationships and other scheduling factors. Use this constraint sparingly. The task must be started on the date specified, regardless of its relationships and other scheduling factors. Use this constraint sparingly. The task starts on or after the date specified. This constraint is assigned automatically if you enter a start date for a task in a project scheduled from the start date forward. The task starts on or before the date specified. This constraint is assigned automatically if you enter a start date for a task in a project scheduled from the finish date backward.

As Soon As Possible (ASAP)

Finish No Earlier Than (FNET)

Finish No Later Than (FNLT)

Must Finish On (MFO)

Must Start On (MSO)

Start No Earlier Than (SNET)

Start No Later Than (SNLT)

As indicated above, the As Soon As Possible constraint is the default when you schedule forward and the As Late As Possible constraint is the default when you schedule backward. Use these constraints as much as possible. While other constraints provide some flexibility, these two constraints allow Microsoft Project the greatest flexibility in scheduling your project.

The constraint indicators are described in the following table:

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