Project 2016 Intermediate
Project 2016
Lesson - Filtering/Sorting/Grouping Information
Create a custom group.
If necessary, switch to the Gantt Chart view and drag the split bar as far right as possible.
Practice Data
1. Select the View tab.
The View ribbon appears.
2. In the Data group, select Group by . The Group by drop-down list appears.
Click the Group by: .
Click New Group by .
3. Select New Group by .
The More Groups dialog box opens.
Type Resources Assigned to Tasks.
4. Type a name for the group option in the Name field. The name appears in the Name field. 5. Select the Show in menu option to display the group on the Group by submenu, if necessary. The Show in menu option is selected. 6. Select the first empty field in the Field Name column. The first empty field is selected.
Click Show in menu , if necessary.
Click in the first empty field in the Field Name column.
7. Select the Field Name list. A list of field names appears.
Click Field Name .
Click Resource Names.
8. Select the field by which you want to group the tasks or resources. The field is selected. 9. Select the Order field in the same row. The Order field is selected.
Click in the Order field.
10. Select the Order drop-down list. A list of options appears.
Click Order .
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