Project 2016 Intermediate
Lesson - Filtering/Sorting/Grouping Information
Project 2016
7. Apply the Cost table to the view and drag the split bar as far right as possible to view the cost information. Then, sort the view by cost. 8. Switch to the Resource Sheet view. 9. Create a custom sort to sort the resources by group in ascending order, then by standard rate in descending order. 10. Sort the resources again by ID. 11. Group the resources by standard rate. Collapse and expand one of the resource groups, and then remove the grouping. 12. Switch to the Resource Usage view. 13. Create a custom group to group the resources by work in descending order. Name the new group Work and then apply it to the view. Adjust the columns as necessary to view the groups. Then, remove the grouping. 14. Close the file without saving the changes.
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