SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
OFFICEPRO, Inc. 8 Granite Pl. Suite 26 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 MD: (301) 468-3312 DC: (202) 347-1114 VA: (703) 922-0400 Fax: (301) 263-6879
Presented by OFFICEPRO, Inc.
Manual # MS16-820-0.5S
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Table of Contents
ABOUT OFFICEPRO – WE CHANGE LIVES! ...............................................................I
WHAT TO EXPECT FROM OFFICEPRO?...................................................................II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................III
CREATING A NEW SITE ...................................................................1 Lesson Introduction..................................................................................................1 TOPIC A: Create a Site...............................................................................................2 TOPIC B: Change the Look and Feel of Your SharePoint Site .................................17 Summary.................................................................................................................30 ASSIGNING PERMISSIONS AND ACCESS RIGHTS ............................31 Lesson Introduction................................................................................................31 TOPIC A: Share Sites and Set Site Permissions .......................................................32 TOPIC B: Secure Lists, Libraries, and Documents ...................................................45 Summary.................................................................................................................51 ADDING AND CONFIGURING LIBRARIES ........................................53 Lesson Introduction................................................................................................53 TOPIC A: Add and Configure Document Libraries ..................................................54 TOPIC B: Configure Versioning Settings .................................................................59 TOPIC C: Configure Advanced and Rating Settings.................................................62 TOPIC C: Add and Configure a Wiki for Your SharePoint Site ................................67 Summary.................................................................................................................69 ADDING AND CONFIGURING LISTS................................................71 Lesson Introduction................................................................................................71 TOPIC A: Adding List to a SharePoint Site...............................................................72 TOPIC B: Configuring List Settings ..........................................................................77 List and Library Settings..........................................................................................77 TOPIC C: Managing List Columns............................................................................81 TOPIC D: Create Custom Lists .................................................................................87 Summary.................................................................................................................92
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Lesson Time: 45 minutes
Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will create and configure new SharePoint sites. You will:
Create a site.
• Change the look and feel of your SharePoint site.
L ESSON I NTRODUCTION In this course, you will create and configure a Microsoft® SharePoint® team site, and configure administration and collaboration settings. The first step is to create a new SharePoint site. In this lesson, you will create a SharePoint site from a standard SharePoint template and learn how to copy a site that you have created and modified, so that the content structures and features implemented can be reused in other sites. After you create a SharePoint site, you will customize the look and feel of the site, adding logos and other custom graphics to make the site more familiar and attractive to your site users. Modifying the look and feel of a site can not only make a site visually more appealing, but by adding logos and other custom graphic elements, teams can begin to feel a real sense of ownership for the site; in effect, the site can become their home. More than that, graphics and visual options can also reflect the mood and attitude of the team, helping to foster an atmosphere of productivity and collaboration.
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
TOPIC A: C REATE A S ITE After the IT department sets up the SharePoint server or farm, the next step in implementing a SharePoint site for your team is creating your SharePoint site. The primary tool for interfacing with SharePoint administrative tools is a web browser. Some configuration is done through browser-based tools, but most configuration is completed in SharePoint itself. There are many decisions to make when creating a site. In this topic, you will address those decisions you must make and options you should consider when creating a SharePoint site. S HARE P OINT S ITE H IERARCHY All SharePoint sites exist in a hierarchy. The top of the hierarchy is called the top-level site. The top-level site may have many subsites including team sites, project sites, document workspace sites, and meeting workspace sites. The entire top-level site and all of its subsites are called a Site Collection. A Site Collection is a logical grouping of sites, such as a set of SharePoint sites for the finance department. A Site Collection has the same owner, administrative settings, security, navigation, and content structures. The permissions and navigation of the top-level site are often inherited by subsites but can also be managed independently. Site Collections make administration easier. Administrators plan and implement Site Collections, top-level sites, and subsites carefully to provide the collaboration and management required by an organization.
SharePoint Site Hierarchy.
T OP -L EVEL S ITE In SharePoint a top-level site is the root of a Site Collection. It is the first site created and the top of that Site Collection's hierarchy. Like any site, a top-level site can contain lists, libraries, apps, and subsites. If your SharePoint hierarchy will have many different subsites, the top-level site is often the starting point for navigating those sites. The top-level site is also important because some Site Collection-specific settings are managed from the top-level site and are not available on subsites, and some settings, such as permissions and navigation, can be configured at the top-level site and passed to subsites through inheritance.
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SharePoint 2016
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
I NHERITANCE IN S HARE P OINT In most cases when there is an option to inherit settings from a parent site, the site owner configuring the new site can choose to keep or discard the inherited settings and replace them with new settings. S HARE P OINT S ITE C REATION O PTIONS When creating a new site within a Site Collection, you can choose to create the site from a template or choose to copy an existing site. When creating a new site, there are several configuration options you must configure.
Title and Description
A title for the page and a description of the intent of the page and site.
Web Site Address
The URL in the site hierarchy to access the site page.
Template Select
The template on which you want to base the site. Each template contains a different mix of lists, libraries, and apps laid out to facilitate a different kind of collaboration. You can customize the site after you create it. You can configure the site to inherit permissions from the parent site or set unique permissions for the site. Select to display a link on the parent site's Quick Launch bar, and/or the top link bar, to allow for easy navigation to and from the parent site to the new site. Choose to inherit the top link bar from the parent site or have a unique top link bar.
Navigation Inheritance
C OPYING AN E XISTING S ITE If you wish to copy an existing site, then you must first save that site as a template and select that site template under the Custom tab, in the Templates section of the New SharePoint Site page. S HARE P OINT T EMPLATES SharePoint includes several templates designed to facilitate different types of collaboration. The following table lists the site templates available in SharePoint.
Collaboration Team Site
A site for team collaboration, it includes document libraries, calendar, announcements, and other lists, libraries, and apps.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
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An individual or team blog site.
Project Site
A site for managing projects, it includes status, communication, and other project related lists, libraries, and apps. A project site is similar to a team site, but tasks and events lists are created by default. A threaded discussion forum site where content and posts can be explored by categories, and sorted by popularity or best reply. Community sites have a built in reputation point system where members gain points by participating, starting discussions, liking posts, and posting best replies. A central repository to store and manage records for an organization. It has features to protect record integrity and enforce records management policies. A central location to store reports and dashboards and to integrate with Excel Services and Performance Point Services. A site dedicated to enterprise-wide search and delivers multiple search result pages. You can further customize the site to add new results pages focused on queries you create. Central document store for your enterprise.
Community Site
Enterprise Document Center
Records Center
Business Intelligence Center Enterprise Search Center
Basic Search Center A site dedicated to the basics for searching with links to a search results page and an advanced search page.
Visio Process Repository
A site for storing and sharing Visio process diagrams. It includes document libraries with versioning enabled and various Visio templates.
A common question is; what is the difference between a blog site and a community site? A community site is a site dedicated to threaded discussions on a variety of topics that are designed to facilitate interactive discussion between community members. A blog site is for posting entries that one person or a team has created. Although you might enable comments on posts, a blog site is designed to showcase opinions or posts from an individual or a team; whereas, a community site is designed to include all members in interactive social discussions.
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SharePoint 2016
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
S ITE S ETTINGS P AGE The Site Settings page is accessible from the header bar in SharePoint. You can configure components of the SharePoint site on the Site Settings page. You might have more or fewer options available on the Site Settings page based on your account's permission level and the site's position in the site hierarchy. This is because more configuration options are available on Top Level Site in a Site Collection.
Site Settings page.
S ITE S ETTINGS : S ITE A CTIONS The Site Actions group on the Site Settings page allows you to perform several tasks.
Manage site features
Enable or disable site features such as following content or the availability of wiki pages.
Save site as template
Save the current site as a template so that you can copy it.
Enable search configuration export
Configure SharePoint to allow search configuration information to be exported to another SharePoint server.
Reset to site definition
Remove all customizations from a single page or all pages in a site.
Delete this site
Delete the current site.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
Some tasks such as managing site features will be covered in other courses.
S ITE D ELETION Site owners can delete sites in SharePoint through the Site Settings page in the Site Actions group of commands. When you delete, its content structures, content, and customizations stored in that site are deleted with it. Content stored in other sites (such as graphics stored in the parent Site Assets library) are not deleted. If you delete a top-level site, you are, effectively, deleting the Site Collection. Deleted sites are stored in the site recycle bin and can be recovered by an administrator. O THER S ITE R ECOVERY O PTIONS By default SharePoint permanently deletes items in the recycle bin every 30 days. If a site is permanently deleted or otherwise unavailable for recovery through SharePoint interfaces, your only choice is to restore from backups.
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SharePoint 2016
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
ACTIVITY: C REATING A S HARE P OINT S ITE FROM A T EMPLATE Scenario Develetech is a manufacturer of home electronics. Develetech is known as an innovative designer and producer of high-end televisions, video game consoles, laptop and tablet computers, and mobile phones. Develetech is a mid-sized company, employing approximately 2,000 residents of Greene City and the surrounding area. Develetech also contracts with a number of partner organizations for new product development as well as manufacturing and supply-chain support. Employees at Develetech use SharePoint extensively as their primary collaboration tool. They use it for team communications, updates, announcements and events, and document sharing as well as project specific collaboration. Now Develetech is growing and so is the SharePoint implementation. You are a team lead and supervisors have instructed team leads to set up and configure SharePoint team sites for their teams. In this activity, you will create a SharePoint team site from a template. 1) Launch subsite creation. a) Log on to your computer using the user name and password provided by the instructor. b) On the Start page, select the Desktop tile. c) Open Internet Explorer, and in the Address box, type http://sharepoint/sites/teams and press Enter. d) In the Quick Launch area, select Site Contents. e) On the Site Contents page, scroll down if necessary, and under Subsites, select new subsite.
2) Configure the new site's settings. a) On the Site Contents→New SharePoint Site page, in the Title and Description section, in the Title box, type
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
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d) In the Template Selection section, in the Select a template box, observe the list of templates available on the Collaboration tab. For example, you might use the Blog template to create a blog. e) In the Template box, select the Enterprise tab, and observe the list of templates available.
You may receive an error on callback if you attempt to select the Enterprise tab prior to typing the URL name.
f) In the Template box, select the Collaboration tab, and verify that Team Site is selected. g) In the Permissions section, verify that Use the same permissions as parent site is selected. h) In the Navigation section, under Display this site on the Quick Launch of the parent site, select Yes. i) Under Display the site on the top link bar of the parent site, select No. j) In the Navigation Inheritance section, under Use the top link bar from the parent site, verify that No is selected.
k) At the bottom of the page, select Create.
It might take several seconds to a few minutes to create the site.
3) Review the new site.
a) Observe the new site. b) Under Getting Started with your site, point to Share your site and observe the roll-up information. c) Select the Share your Site tile. d) Observe the Share
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
You will share the new site later in this course.
4) Review the Working on a deadline tile. a) Point to Working on a deadline?, and observe the roll-up information. b) Select the Working on a deadline graphic. The Working on a deadline dialog box displays. c) Observe the types of lists that you can add through the dialog box. When you're finished, select Cancel.
You will add lists later in this lesson.
5) Review the Add lists, libraries, and other apps tile. a) Point to Add lists, libraries, and other apps and observe the roll-up information. b) Select the Add lists, libraries, and other apps tile. c) The Site Contents→Your Apps page displays. Observe the page, and then select the Back button.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
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You will add lists and libraries later in this lesson.
The Site Contents → Your Apps page displays the applications you might want to add to your site.
6) Review the What's your style? link. a) Point to What's your style? and observe the roll-up information. You use this section to manage the style of your team site. b) Select the What's your style? tile. c) The Site Settings→Change the look page appears. Observe the page, and then select the Back button.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
You will change the style in the next activity.
7) Customize the page title. a) Point to Your site, Your brand, and observe the roll-up information. You can use this tile to configure a logo and a description for your site. b) Select the Your site, Your brand graphic and the Site Settings Title, Description, and Logo page appears. c) In the Title and Description section, in the Title box, replace that text in the box with
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
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You are going to set fine-grained permissions for your site later in this course after you have added some lists, libraries, and content. However, in order to test access as you are adding content structures, you need to share the site with the SharePoint Testers group.
8) Share your SharePoint site. a) On the far right side of the header, select Settings→Site settings.
b) On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, select Site Permissions. c) On the Permissions page, select Teams Members to open the People and Groups→Teams Members page. d) On the People and Groups→Teams Members page, select New to open the Share
If you open the drop-down menu rather than opening the Share dialog box, select Add Users.
e) In the Share
When SharePoint groups are open for editing, the Groups list appears on the left side of the page above the quick launch. The link to Home will be below the list of groups.
9) Configure your site as the home page. a) On the far right site of Internet Explorer, select Settings→Internet Options. b) On the General tab, on the Home page section, select Use current. c) Select OK.
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SharePoint 2016
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
Before You Begin You should be logged into your team site, and have the
b) Under Site Actions, select Save site as template. c) On the Site Settings > Save as Template page, in the File Name section, in the File name box, type
You are making the file name and the name the same because the file name is what is listed in the custom template box when you create new sites.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
d) In the Name and Description section, in the Template name box, type
3) Configure the new site's settings. a) In the Site Contents→New SharePoint Site page, in the Title and Description section, in the Title box, type
Omit spaces from the URL.
c) In the Template Selection section, in the Select a template box, select the Custom tab. d) Observe the list of templates available, and select the
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
You will get an error on callback if you attempt to select the Enterprise tab prior to typing the URL name.
e) Scroll down and in the Navigation section, under Display the site on the Quick Launch of the parent site, select Yes. f) Under the Display the site on the top link bar of the parent site, select No. g) In the Navigation Inheritance section, under Use the top link bar form the parent site, select Yes. h) At the bottom of the page, select Create.
4) Observe and navigate the Template Test site. a) Observe the newly created site and the site title.
b) In the top link bar, select
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
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5) Delete the Template Test site. a) Verify that you have the
You're going to delete the test site so make sure that you are starting from the test site, not some other site.
b) In the header, select Settings-Site Settings. c) Under Site Actions, select Delete this site. d) The Site Settings-Delete This Site page appears, select Delete. e) A Message from Webpage dialog box appears, asking if you wish to continue with the deletion. Select OK. f) On the Delete Web Page page, select GO BACK TO SITE.
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SharePoint 2016
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
TOPIC B: C HANGE THE L OOK AND F EEL OF Y OUR S HARE P OINT S ITE Now that your SharePoint site is created, you should take a few minutes to customize how it looks. Adding logos and other graphics to the site can not only make it more attractive, but also give your team pride and a sense of ownership in the site. Additional look and feel options can communicate information to users and help you prepare the site to present content in the way that you want it organized for presentation. All of these things will help make the site easier to use and facilitate collaboration by your user community. S ITE S ETTINGS : L OOK AND F EEL The Site Actions group on the Site Settings page allows administrators to perform the following tasks.
Title, description, and logo
Add a title, site description, and a logo to the site.
Quick Launch
Add, remove, and reorder links in the Quick Launch area.
Top link bar
Add, remove, and reorder links in the top link bar.
Tree view
Choose to show or hide the hierarchical (tree) view of sites, lists, and folders. By default, tree view is not enabled.
Change the look
Choose a font, color, and graphic style for the site.
T ITLE , D ESCRIPTION , AND L OGO S ETTINGS The title, description, and logo Site Settings page enables you to configure the following
This is the page title as it appears on the top of the page.
A description of the page and contents.
The location of the graphic file, which should be a relative location in the SharePoint file structure such as the folder associated with the SharePoint Site Assets library.
Logo Description
This description is used as alternative text for the picture.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
S HARE P OINT C HANGE THE L OOK P AGE The Change the Look page enables you to select a graphic background, color scheme, and fonts for your SharePoint site. There are many pre-made looks to choose from and you can further customize each look with different graphic backgrounds, color schemes, and font selections. The interface enables you to select a style, customize it, and then try the style to see how your site looks. You can then select to keep the style, or discard it and start over.
SharePoint Change the Look page.
S TYLE C USTOMIZATIONS When you select a style from the Change the Look page in SharePoint, you have the option to further customize the style to suit your preferences. A sample page graphic is provided to enable you to see how the style will make a typical SharePoint page look. You can perform the following customizations.
Figure 4-1: Style Customizations
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
Change or remove the background image. The image is displayed by default with a washed out look when viewed on the live site.
Choose background and accent color combinations for the site.
Site Layout
Choose between the Seattle site layout, which includes a the Quick Launch area for navigation on the left side of the page and includes the top link bar above the page title, or the Oslo site layout which removes the top link bar, and displays the Quick Launch across the top of the page, above the page title.
Choose the font you prefer from the fonts available.
T EXT L AYOUT The text layout button is available on the ribbon FORMAT TEXT menu after you open a page for editing. Text layout enables you to group your page into sections with one or more columns and or sidebars, and headers or footers. These columns not only determine where you can group text on the page, but also determine how you group and organize lists, libraries, and apps on the page. When creating new pages in SharePoint, you should consider how you want your text and content organized on the page, and then choose a layout that best suits your needs.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
Data Files C:\Student\SharePoint2013\091108Data\Creating a New Site \DeveletechTeamsPersonalLogo.png. Before You Begin
You should be logged into your team site, and have the
1) Modify your logo.
a) Minimize SharePoint. b) Open Paint.
NOTE If you can't find Paint, then open the Charm Bar, select Search, and in the Apps box, type paint.
c) Select File→Open. d) Browse to C:\Student\SharePoint2013\091108Data\Creating a New Site , select DeveletechTeamsPersonalLogo.png, and select Open. e) Select Home→Tools→Text . f) Under the letter D in the word DEVELETECH, click to add a text box. g) Type
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
h) Select the text. i)
Select Bold and Italic.
j) Select a color for the text and change the font size to something of your choice.
NOTE Ensure that the new color and font size are legible and fit in space under the word DEVELETECH. When you change the font size, you might need to resize the text box to fit the new font size.
k) Select File-'Save as. l) In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
NOTE If you receive a warning about transparency being lost, select OK.
2) Add the logo to Site Assets. a) In SharePoint, in the Quick Launch area, select
b) In the Quick Launch area, select Site Contents. c) On the Site Contents page, select Site Assets. d) In the Site Assets library, select new document-'UPLOAD EXISTING FILE to open the Add a document dialog box. e) Next to the Choose a file box, select Browse to open the Choose File to Upload dialog box. f) In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to C:\Student\SharePoint2013\091108Data\Creating a New Site , select the
3) Add your logo to your site. a) On the
NOTE You will be using a relative page to access the logo, type the path carefully and don't add additional spaces or characters.
c) In the Insert Logo box, type /sitesñeams/
d) Scroll down and select OK. e) Observe your logo on the site.
4) Change the look and feel of the site. a) On the Site Settings page, under Look and Feel, select Change the look.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
b) On the Site Settings-Change the look page, observe the Style templates. c) Scroll down, if necessary, and select Breeze.
d) Under Colors, select a color of your choosing.
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e) Observe the changes to the primary and accent colors on the sample page. f) In the Site Layout drop-down list, select Oslo.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
g) Observe the changes to the Quick Launch area and the top link bar on the sample page. h) In the top right side of the page, select Try it out. i) Observe the preview page.
5) Customize the look and feel of the site. a) At the top of the page, select No, not quite there.
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b) In the Site Settings→Change the Look page, in the upper-left corner of the page, select Start over.
c) Select a style you like. d) You can keep or remove the graphic. e) Select the color you like.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
Verify that the Site layout is Seattle.
You need to set the site layout to Seattle for consistency in the class steps.
g) Select Try it out. h) On the preview page, select Yes, keep it. i) In the top link bar, select
6) Edit the page to remove Get Started message. a) On the
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7) Select a page layout. a) On the ribbon, select the FORMAT TEXT tab. In the Layout group, select Text Layout. b) In the Text Layout drop-down list, observe the layouts available. c) The Text Layout menu enables you to specify how many columns of information to display and whether you want to include a header, footer, or sidebar. d) Select One column with sidebar.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
8) Add text to the home page of your site. a) At the top of the left column, type Welcome to the
b) Highlight the text you just typed. c) On the FORMAT TEXT ribbon, in the Styles group, select the Heading 1 style. d) On the ribbon, select FORMAT TEXT-'Edit-'Save.
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Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
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You may see a web part warning with red text. This is expected. Do not worry about the warning.
e) On the
S UMMARY In this lesson, you learned how to create a SharePoint site. You learned what site templates are available and how to select a template when creating a site. You also learned how to save a site that you have created and modified so that it can be used as a template for future sites. After you created your site, you adjusted the look and feel of the site, adding a title and some text to the home page to describe the role of the site as well as a logo. You applied a style to the site to personalize the look of the site to match your team's professional personality and adjusted the text layout of the site to provide initial content organization for the site's home page. What SharePoint templates will your organization use the most?
What style options and customizations do you see being used in your organization?
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Lesson Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will assign permissions and access rights. You will:
Share sites and set site permissions.
• Configure list, library, and document permissions.
L ESSON I NTRODUCTION After you set up a Microsoft® SharePoint® site, the site owner needs to share it with the people who will be using it. The site owner should take into consideration the types of tasks users will be performing, and the type of access they will need by default. The site owner should also pay special attention to any sensitive content or content structures that need to be secured with unique permissions. In this lesson, you will configure site permissions to share the site with users, and configure unique permissions on lists, libraries, and documents.
Lesson 2 – Assigning Permissions and Access Rights
SharePoint 2016
TOPIC A: S HARE S ITES AND S ET S ITE P ERMISSIONS The first thing to do when configuring permissions for a site is to set the site level permissions so that users have the appropriate default level of access they need to the site, lists, libraries, and content. You can set unique permissions later as there is not yet any content in the site. In this topic, you will set site permissions so that users and groups can access the site. S HARE P OINT P ERMISSIONS Access to SharePoint sites, lists, libraries, items, and documents is controlled by permissions associated with the object that users are trying to access. Whether users can open the site and what actions they can take in a site are determined by permissions that have been assigned to their user account or SharePoint group. Users need to have the ability to perform the tasks in SharePoint that are required for their job. Users should not have the ability to do things that they are not supposed to do. For example, team members might need to be able to add and modify documents to libraries in their team site, but should not be able to modify documents in the HR public site (only members of the HR team should be able to do that). As a site owner, you can add user accounts and security groups that exist in Active Directory to SharePoint groups and assign permission levels to the SharePoint groups to provide users with the level of access they require. S HARE P OINT U SERS A user is a person with an account provided by an authentication provider that is integrated with SharePoint. The most common authentication provider used with SharePoint is Active Directory. User accounts can be added to securable objects in SharePoint or to SharePoint groups to grant them the permissions they require on the SharePoint site. U SER A CCOUNTS User accounts are typically created in your directory service (which is often Active Directory) by the IT staff when a new employee starts. S HARE P OINT G ROUPS By default, when a top-level site is created, SharePoint creates the following three SharePoint groups and assigns those groups the access rights listed.
Have permissions to view and read content.
Have permissions to read, contribute, modify, and delete site content.
Have the same permissions as members and additional permissions to approve content, create new sites and structures, and modify the overall site.
You can use these groups to assign users access rights to your site, or create new groups and assign different permissions to those groups to provide different levels of access or to provide more granular control of users in your organization.
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Lesson 2 – Assigning Permissions and Access Rights
When you create a site, the site name is appended onto the front of the default group names. For example, the Site Development Team would have the groups Development Team Visitors, Development Team Members, and Development Team Owners.
S HARE P OINT P ERMISSION L EVELS Permission levels are a collection of rights that are granted to users or groups that provide access to and allow you to perform actions on a SharePoint site. Administrators may assign default permissions levels to users and groups or may choose to customize permissions. The following table lists the default permissions in SharePoint 2013. Depending on the site template used to create the SharePoint site (i.e. Team site or Publishing site), some permission levels may not be available.
View Only
Enables users to view application pages. The View Only permission level is used for the Excel Services Viewers group.
View Application Pages
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
View Items
View Versions Create Alerts
Use Self Service Site Creation
View Pages
Browse User Information Use Remote Interfaces
Use Client Integration Features
Limited Access
Enables users to access shared resources and a specific asset. Limited Access is designed to be combined with fine- grained permissions to enable users to access a specific list, document library, folder, list item, or document, without enabling them to access the whole site. Limited Access cannot be edited or deleted.
View Application Pages Browse User Information Use Remote Interfaces
Use Client Integration Features
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Lesson 2 – Assigning Permissions and Access Rights
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Restricted Read
View pages and documents. Permission is for publishing sites only. Enables users to view pages and list items, and to download documents.
View Items Open Items View Pages
• • • •
Limited Access permissions, plus:
View Items Open Items
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
View Versions Create Alerts
Use Self-Service Site Creation
View Pages
Enables users to manage personal views, edit items and user information, delete versions in existing lists and document libraries, and add, remove, and update personal Web Parts. Enables users to manage lists. Edit and approve pages, list items, and documents. For publishing sites only. Enables users to view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize items or pages on the website.
Read permissions, plus:
Add Items Edit Items
Delete Items
Delete Versions
Browse Directories
Edit Personal User Information
Manage Personal Views
Add/Remove Personal Web Parts
Update Personal Web Parts
Contribute permissions, plus: • Manage Lists
Contribute permissions, plus:
Override List Behaviors
• •
Approve Items
Edit permissions, plus:
Add and Customize Pages Apply Themes and Borders
• • • • •
Apply Style Sheets
Override List Behaviors
Approve Items
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Lesson 2 – Assigning Permissions and Access Rights
Manage Hierarchy
Create sites; edit pages, list items, and documents, and change site permissions. For Publishing sites only.
Design permissions minus the Approve Items, Apply Themes and Borders, and Apply Style Sheets permissions, plus:
Manage permissions
• • • • • •
View Web Analytics Data
Create Subsites Manage Alerts
Enumerate Permissions
Manage Web Site
Full Control
Enables users to have full control of the website.
All permissions
Additional information on permissions levels and user, site, and personal permissions can be found on Microsoft Technet at: us/library/cc721640.aspx .
P ERMISSION L EVEL D EFINITION AND M ANAGEMENT Permission levels are defined initially at the Site Collection level and may be managed and customized by any user or group with Manage Permissions permission. P ERMISSIONS I NHERITANCE IN S HARE P OINT By default securable objects inherit their permissions from their parent object. A document inherits its permissions from the library it is in, that library inherits its permissions from the site, and that site inherits its permissions from the top-level site in the site collection. Administrators can break permissions inheritance in order to set unique permissions, sometimes called fine grained permissions, on securable objects. You might want to do this for a list or library if that list or library will contain particularly sensitive information, the only select users of the site should have access to such as social security numbers, payroll information, bids and so forth. For ease of administration and consistency of access, you should try to use permissions inheritance whenever possible and should organize your sites so that permissions inheritance makes sense. B REAKING P ERMISSIONS I NHERITANCE When inheritance is broken, the inherited permissions are copied and become explicit permissions on the object. Administrators can then modify those permission and add new users and groups to the access control list for the object. If administrators decide to turn inheritance
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Lesson 2 – Assigning Permissions and Access Rights
SharePoint 2016
back on, then the parent's permissions are applied to the object and unique permissions are lost.
S ECURABLE O BJECTS IN S HARE P OINT A securable object in SharePoint is any object that has an access list with permission levels associated to users and groups that allow access to the object. Securable objects inherit their access list from their parent, but administrators may break inheritance in order to assign a separate and unique access list to an object. The following table lists the securable objects in SharePoint and defines where they inherit their permissions from.
Site Collection: Top- Level Site
None. Adjusting the permissions at the top-level site essentially adjust the default permissions inherited by all sites in the site collection. Inherits from its parent site (which may be the top-level site in the collection or its immediate parent site).
List or Library
Inherit permissions from the site.
Folders, Items and Documents
Inherit permissions from the folder, list, or library where they reside.
S ECURITY O PTIONS FOR S ITES You can configure the following security options on sites.
Site: Inheriting from parent
Site Settings— Users And Permissions— Site permissions
Manage Parent: This requires that you have administrative access to the parent site. Stop Inheriting Permissions: Block inheritance Grant Permissions: Allows you add users and groups to the access control list. Create Group: You can add users to the group and assign permissions to the group once it's created. Check Permissions: Allows you to type users and groups and display the effective permissions of those users and groups.
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