SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
Lesson 1 – Creating a New Site
SharePoint 2016
TOPIC A: C REATE A S ITE After the IT department sets up the SharePoint server or farm, the next step in implementing a SharePoint site for your team is creating your SharePoint site. The primary tool for interfacing with SharePoint administrative tools is a web browser. Some configuration is done through browser-based tools, but most configuration is completed in SharePoint itself. There are many decisions to make when creating a site. In this topic, you will address those decisions you must make and options you should consider when creating a SharePoint site. S HARE P OINT S ITE H IERARCHY All SharePoint sites exist in a hierarchy. The top of the hierarchy is called the top-level site. The top-level site may have many subsites including team sites, project sites, document workspace sites, and meeting workspace sites. The entire top-level site and all of its subsites are called a Site Collection. A Site Collection is a logical grouping of sites, such as a set of SharePoint sites for the finance department. A Site Collection has the same owner, administrative settings, security, navigation, and content structures. The permissions and navigation of the top-level site are often inherited by subsites but can also be managed independently. Site Collections make administration easier. Administrators plan and implement Site Collections, top-level sites, and subsites carefully to provide the collaboration and management required by an organization.
SharePoint Site Hierarchy.
T OP -L EVEL S ITE In SharePoint a top-level site is the root of a Site Collection. It is the first site created and the top of that Site Collection's hierarchy. Like any site, a top-level site can contain lists, libraries, apps, and subsites. If your SharePoint hierarchy will have many different subsites, the top-level site is often the starting point for navigating those sites. The top-level site is also important because some Site Collection-specific settings are managed from the top-level site and are not available on subsites, and some settings, such as permissions and navigation, can be configured at the top-level site and passed to subsites through inheritance.
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