Cisco WebEx Training QRG - Facilitator2
Use Annotation Tools on Shared Content Markup any shared documents, presentations, or whiteboards in the content viewer, using the toolbar that appears above the viewer. In addition, attendees can use pointers on shared documents, presentations, and whiteboards. Panels The Webex interface includes the content area and panels.
3. To add panels. a. In the Available panels list, select the panels you want to include. b. Click Add . 4. To reorder panels: a. In the Current Panels list, click the panel you want to move. b. Click the Move Up or Move Down button to move the selection. 5. To remove panels: a. In the Current Panels list, click the panel you want to remove. b. Click Remove . 6. Click OK to save your changes. Polling Gather feedback from training session attendees. Begin by creating a questionnaire then opening the poll. Prepare polls at any time—before trainings and save the poll or during training. a. Multiple Choice with one answer. b. Multiple Choice with multiple answers. c. Short Answer with text. 3. Type the question. 4. Type the possible answers (for multiple choice). 5. Click Open Poll . Participants Webex provides several options you can perform during the sessions. Right-Click Options Right-click a participant name to display the options including the following: 1. Above the Participants panel, click Polls . 2. Select the question type:
Minimize and Restore Panels Minimize panels to open more space to display content. Minimize Panel Click the X on the right side of the panel title bar.
Restore Panel Click the panel icon in the icon tray to restore.
Manage Panels Display panels in a specific order in the session window. Follow these directions to manage the panels. 1. At the end of the panel icon tray, click the down arrow . 2. From the drop-down menu select Manage Panels .
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