Cisco WebEx Training QRG - Facilitator2
6. Click the Grades checkbox to assign grades based on the student’s score then do the following: a. Click Specify Grades . b. In the Score column type the score range.
Score Test Tests with answers you select or multiple-choice questions are automatically scored. However, tests with essay questions or fill-in the blank questions need to be scored manually. Follow these directions to score a test. 1. Do one of the following: a. From the Session Information screen, click Score & Report . b. From the Manage Test screen, in the Student Answers section, click View and Score Answers. 2. Beside an attendee’s name, click Score Answers . 3. Do the following for questions that need to be scored manually. a. In the Unscored Questions section, select the question from the drop-down list, and click Go . b. To change a score, click Correct or Incorrect and click Save . 4. Type comments. 5. Click Save . Save Chat and Polling Questions and Answers Save Change, Polls, and Poll answers to text (.txt) files. Save Chat 1. From the Session window select File > Save > Chat . 2. Select the location where you want to save the file. 3. Type a name for the file. 4. Click Save . 1. From the menu bar, select File > Save > Poll Questions . 2. Select the location where you want to save the file. 3. Type a name for the file. 4. Click Save . Save Poll Answers Close the poll before saving the answers. 1. From the menu bar, select File > Save > Poll Results . 2. Select the location where you want to save the file. 3. Type a name for the file. 4. Click Save . Save Poll
c. In the Grade column, type the letter grade that corresponds to the score range. d. Click Save . 7. In Display question , select whether to display all test questions on one page or display one question per page. 8. Click Insert Questions on the right side of the page. a. In the Insert Question dialog box, select the type of question to insert.
b. From the Question Type drop-down list, select the type of question you want to create. The fields change depending on the question type you select.
c. In the Question field, type your question. d. In the Answer section, type the answer. For multiple choice questions, type the possible answers then click the radio button for the correct answer. e. Click Save after each question. f. Repeat as needed to complete your test. 9. After adding your questions, click Save .
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