MS Bookings


Set Up Staff in Booking Create or add to the staffing list and manage staff member details such as name, phone number, and email address. Each staff entry can have unique working hours. Not all staff members are required to have a M365 account, but they must have a valid email address. Add staff to Bookings

1. Select Staff from the left side Booking page menu

4. Assign the staff member role:

2. Select Add new staff 3. In the Add staff dialog box

5. Set the booking Availability and meeting hours for this staff member. Deselecting the Events on Office calendar affect availability allows the system to book appointments over personal calendar entries.

a. search for staff inside your organization b. input initials c. assign a color identifier d. input Email and Phone number

Deselecting Use business hours allows bookings to be made a custom availability for this staff member.

6. Click Save changes to complete staff addition.

TIP: To change the way the Staff member name appears on the Booking calendar: 1. Select the Edit staff option. 2. Click the field with the exiting/default name. 3. Input the desired name.

1. 4. Click save changes.

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