Project 2013 Introduction

Lesson 4 – Working with Resources

Project 2013

7. Edit the task assignment as desired.

8. Select

in the Task Details Form view.


Use the Task Details Form view.

If necessary, switch to the Gantt Chart view.

Display a combination view by selecting the Detail button on the Task ribbon, Properties group.


Practice Data

1. Select the task you want to modify in the top pane. Information about the task appears in the Task Details Form view in the bottom pane.

Scroll as necessary and click the 20 Install Doors task in the top pane.

2. Activate the bottom pane.

Click in the Task Details Form view in the bottom pane.

The active pane indicator appears highlighted.

3. To change the details displayed, select the Format menu. The Format menu appears. 4. Click Resources & Predecessors in the Details Group . The Details submenu appears. 5. Edit the task assignment as desired. The task is changed.




Follow the instructions shown below the table before continuing on to the next step.

6. Select OK in the Task Details Form view. The changes to the task are saved.



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