Project 2013 Introduction
Lesson 4 – Working with Resources
Project 2013
7. Continue to enter the desired information for the material resource. 8. Press [Enter] .
Create a cost resource.
If necessary, switch to the Resource Sheet view.
Practice Data
1. Select the first empty field in the Resource Name column. The field is selected.
Click the first empty field in the
2. Enter the name of the material resource.
Type Fees.
The desired resource name appears in the Resource Name field and in the entry bar.
3. Select the Type field.
Press [Tab].
The Type field is selected, the text Work and a list arrow appear in the field, and default information appears in other fields where appropriate.
4. Select the Type list.
Click Type
A list of resource types appears.
5. Select Cost from the Type list.
Click Cost.
Cost is selected and appears in the Type field.
6. Select the Initials field.
Click in the Initials field.
The insertion point appears in the Initials field.
7. Type the initials for the cost resource. The initial appears in the Initials field.
Type FS
8. Press [Enter] .
Press [Enter].
The material resource is created.
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