OneNote 2016 Essentials
OneNote 2016
Lesson 2 – Working with Notebooks
S HOW A UTHORS IN A S HARED N OTEBOOK If several people are working in a shared notebook, it helps to know who made changes. OneNote 2016 can help by displaying an author’s initials by the person’s changes with color coded change lines.
Use the following procedure to show and hide author initials.
1. On the Ribbon, select the History tab. 2. Select Hide Authors in the Authors group to display initials and the colored change lines.
3. Select Hide Authors to hide the initials and colored change lines.
If you want to see edits for a selected gerange and who made the edit, use Recent Edits in the Authors group to select a range.
Use the following procedure to show edits.
1. On the Ribbon, select the History tab. 2. Select Recent Edits in the Authors group to display options.
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