Word 2016 Intermediate

Word 2016

Lesson 11 – Inserting Dates And Symbols

Insert a symbol

NOTE If you use a symbol often, assign a shortcut key to it. Select the desired symbol in the Symbol dialog box and then select the Shortcut Key button. Press the desired key combination for the symbol, select Assign , and then select Close .

P ROCEDURES 1. Position the insertion point where you want the symbol to appear.

2. Select the Insert tab


3. Select the Symbol button

in the Symbols group.

4. Select the More Symbols option. 5. Select the Symbols tab.

6. Select the Font list . 7. Select the desired character set. 8. Select the desired symbol. 9. Select Insert . 10. When you have finished inserting symbols, select Close .

Beth Chernoff

Page 211

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