Word 2016 Intermediate

Lesson 11 – Inserting Dates and Symbols

Word 2016

S TEP - BY -S TEP Insert a symbol into a document.


Practice Data

1. Position the insertion point where you want the symbol to appear. The insertion point moves to the new location.

Click at the end of the text Worldwide Sporting Goods at the top of the page

2. Select the Insert tab. The Insert tab appears.


3. Select the Symbol button in the Symbols group.

The Symbol gallery opens, showing common and recently used symbols.


4. Select the More Symbols option. The Symbol dialog box opens.

Click More Symbols

5. Select the Symbols tab. The Symbols page opens.

Click the Symbols tab, if necessary

6. Select the Font list.

Click Font

A list of available character sets is displayed.

7. Select the desired character set. The character set is displayed in the Font box.

Scroll as necessary and click (normal text) at the top of the list Click ® (seventh row, third column from the right)

8. Select the desired symbol. The symbol is highlighted.

9. Select Insert .

Click Insert

The symbol appears in the document at the insertion point.

10. When you have finished inserting symbols, select Close . The Symbol dialog box closes.

Click Close

Practice the Concept: Scroll to the list beginning with the text Worldwide’s new product catalog and insert the symbol of a hand pointing to the right before each item in the list. The hand

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