Word 2016 Tips and Tricks

Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

9. Select OK .


Create a style.

You want to create a new style. You can do this by formatting the relevant text and then creating the style based on that formatting.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Drag to select the text that you want to change. The text is highlighted as you drag.

Drag to select the text Net payment is due in 45 days under the heading Payment

3. Release the mouse button. The text is selected.

Release the mouse button

4. Format the text as desired.

In the Paragraph group.

The text is formatted as intended for the new style.

Click Borders


Outside Border .

Click Increase Indent .

In the Font group, click Italics . Point to Net payment is due in 45 days

5. Highlight the formatted text. The text is selected.

6. Click the More button in the styles section. The Quick Styles appear.


7. Select the Create a Style option

Click Create a Style

The Create New Style from Formatting dialog box appears.

8. Type a name for the new style in the Name field. The new name appears.

Type Payment Terms

9. Select OK .

Click OK

The new style is created.

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