Word 2016 Tips and Tricks
Word 2016
Lesson 1 – Using Styles
The new style has been created, and now appears as an option in the Quick Styles gallery.
Practice the Concept: Select the word Sporting under the heading Delivery . In the Styles section, click More , and select Create a Style . In the name field ,type Worldwide Emphasis . Click OK . Select Worldwide Sporting Goods in the first sentence and apply the new style. A DDING A S TYLE TO THE Q UICK S TYLES G ALLERY D ISCUSSION The Quick Styles gallery, located in the Styles group on the Home tab, provides a rapid method to preview and apply styles to selected text. Word populates this gallery from its extensive library of styles with over 200 styles available. When you select a different Style Set to use with your document, the Quick Styles gallery is repopulated with the styles associated with the selected Style Set.
You can also add a style to the Quick Styles gallery, perhaps one you use regularly but does not appear in the gallery, a style you created yourself, or one that was removed and you want to replace.
Options for styles
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