Word 2016 Intermediate/Advanced
Lesson 7 – Working with Comments and Revisions
Word 2016
2. In the Tracking group, select the top part of the Track Changes button
Disable change tracking.
Practice Data
1. Select the Review tab on the Ribbon . The Review tab appears.
2. Select the top part of the Track Changes button in the Tracking group.
The button changes color and change tracking is disabled. If you have customized the status bar to show the Track Changes indicator, the indicator changes to Track Changes: Off .
I NSERTING C OMMENTS D ISCUSSION When developing a document, you may want others to review it without making changes to the text. Reviewers can add comments to a document, instead of making changes in it. Before you insert a comment into a document, you can select text to which you want to attach it, or you can simply position the insertion point in the text. After you have inserted a comment, red brackets (called comment marks) appear around the selected text, indicating that a comment has been inserted. If you did not select any text, the word nearest to the insertion point is automatically selected and the comment marks appear around the selected word.
In Print Layout , Web Layout and Full Screen Reading view, comments appear in colored balloons in the Markup Area at the right side of the page. Each reviewer is assigned a different color and the initials of the reviewer are displayed in each balloon.
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