Word 2016 Why Does Word Do That? Using Auto Features

Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Working with Lists


Practice Data

6. Select Paragraphs .

Click Paragraphs

The Paragraphs option selected in the Sort by box.

7. Select the Type list.

Click Type

A list of available sort types is displayed.

8. Select the appropriate sort type.

Click Text

The selected sort type is displayed in the Type box.

9. Select the Ascending or Descending option, as desired. The sort order is selected.


Ascending , if


10. Select OK .


The Sort Text dialog box closes and the selected text is sorted alphabetically.

Practice the Concept: Sort the items under the Body Lean Folding Stepper heading in ascending order by paragraphs.

Click anywhere in the document to deselect the text. Close PRDLIST.DOCX.


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