Word 2016 Tracking Changes Explained

Lesson 2 – Protecting a Document

Word 2016

Practice Data


6. If a Word message box opens, select Yes to remove the styles that are not allowed or No to leave them in the document. The message box closes and the styles remain in the document. 7. In the Restrict Editing task pane, select the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button to turn on document protection with the selected restrictions. The Start Enforcing Protection dialog box opens. 8. In the Enter new password (optional) field type the desired password. An asterisk is entered for each character in the password.



Type password

Press [Tab]

9. Select the Reenter password to confirm field.

The insertion point is placed in the Reenter password to confirm field.

Type password

10. Type the password again to confirm it. An asterisk is entered for each character in the password.

11. Select OK .


The Start Enforcing Protection dialog box closes and document protection is enabled. The Restrict Editing task pane describes the current permissions.

Notice that many of the buttons in the Font and Paragraph groups on the Home tab are unavailable.

Practice the Concept: Click in the Prepared by paragraph on page 1. Select the Available styles link in the Restrict Editing task pane and apply the Heading 2 style. Then, select the Status paragraph and apply the Heading 2 style. Scroll to page 2 of the document (you may need to move the Style task pane to use the vertical scroll bar). Apply the Body Text Indent style to the paragraph under Products Distributed by Worldwide Sporting Goods .

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