Word 2016 Use a Table for That!
Lesson 1 – Working with Tables
Word 2016
Practice Data
1. Position the insertion point in the cell where you want to enter text. The insertion point appears in the new location.
Click in the top left cell, if necessary
2. Type the desired text.
Type Regional Office
The text appears in the cell.
Practice the Concept: Type the following text into the table. To move from cell to cell, press [Tab] or use the mouse.
Regional Office
Office Manager
Phone Number
Stephanie J. Smith
Nathan T. Brown
I NSERTING A B LANK L INE D ISCUSSION Insert a blank line above a table to place a title or other identifying text above the table. After the blank line is inserted, enter, format, and align the text as desired. P ROCEDURES 1. Position the insertion point before the text in the first table cell. 2. Press [Enter] . S TEP - BY -S TEP Insert a blank line above a table in a document.
Practice Data
1. Position the insertion point before the text in the first cell of the table. The insertion point moves to the top of the table.
Press [Ctrl+Home]
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