Word 2016 Use a Table for That!
Word 2016
Lesson 1 – Working with Tables
Practice Data
2. Press [Enter] .
Press [Enter]
A blank line is inserted above the table.
Type the heading text Regional Office Phone List and press [Enter] . Then bold, center, and italicize the heading text.
U SING T ABLE S TYLES D ISCUSSION The built-in table styles provide many shading and border combinations to make the table easier to view and add a more finished, professional look.
When you create a table from the Insert Table option, the Table Tools Design tab opens with a selection of table styles to preview and easily apply.
Use Table Styles to apply preset formatting to an existing table. As soon as you select an existing table or position the insertion point within an existing table, the Table Tools Design and Layout tabs are added to the Ribbon .
After a table style is applied, modify or remove the formatting as desired. You can also remove table formats by selecting the Plain Tables Table Grid style from the Table Styles dialog box. When you apply the Table Grid style, all table formatting is removed from the table; any character formatting you applied, however, is not removed.
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