Word 2016 Use a Table for That!
Word 2016
Lesson 4 – Working with Drawing Objects
T ASK Create, insert, and modify drawing objects in a document.
1. Open DRAW2.DOCX . 2. Display the horizontal ruler and the Insert tab.
3. Draw a 3-inch-wide, 1-inch high rectangle to cover the heading. 4. Move the rectangle behind the Worldwide Sporting Goods text. 5. Change the shape fill of the rectangle to Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth color). 6. Change the rectangle line width to 4-1/2 points and the line color to Red, Accent 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, sixth column). 7. Apply 3-D Style 2 (second row, second column) to the rectangle. 8. Draw a line under the text Annual Awards Dinner , from 1" to 5" (horizontal ruler). 9. Add arrowheads to both ends of the line. 10. Change the line weight to 3 pt and then apply a rounded dot dash style to it (second style from the top). 11. Create a rectangle that encompasses the Annual Awards Dinner text and the dotted line underneath it. 12. Move the rectangle behind all the objects. ( Hint : Try the Order submenu.) 13. Delete the 3-D rectangle at the top of the document. 14. Close the document without saving it.
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