Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge


WORD 2016


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W ORD 2016


Presented by OFFICEPRO, Inc.

Manual # MS16-276-0.5SR

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Table of Contents

ABOUT OFFICEPRO – WE CHANGE LIVES! ...............................................................I

WHAT TO EXPECT FROM OFFICEPRO?...................................................................II

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................III


USING MAIL MERGE .......................................................................1 Working with Mail Merge.........................................................................................2 Starting Mail Merge..................................................................................................3 Using the Mail Merge Wizard...................................................................................4 Identifying the Main Document ...............................................................................5 Creating a Recipient List ...........................................................................................7 Customizing Columns in a Recipient List ..................................................................9 Rearranging Columns in a Recipient List ................................................................12 Saving a Recipient List ............................................................................................13 Entering Records into a Recipient List....................................................................14 Sorting Records to be Merged................................................................................18 Highlighting Merge Fields.......................................................................................21 Inserting Merge Fields into a Document ................................................................23 Previewing Merged Data ........................................................................................26 Merging to a New Document .................................................................................28 Merging to the Printer............................................................................................30 Sending Email Messages.........................................................................................31 Exercise...................................................................................................................37 MERGING MAILING LABELS AND DIRECTORIES..............................39 Using Mailing Labels ...............................................................................................40 Creating Mailing Labels ..........................................................................................40 Selecting Label Options ..........................................................................................41 Attaching a Data Source .........................................................................................44 Inserting Label Merge Fields ..................................................................................45 Merging Labels to a New Document ......................................................................48 Creating a Directory................................................................................................50 Merging with an Alternate Data Source.................................................................52



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Lesson 1 - U SING M AIL M ERGE This lesson covers the following objectives:

Working with Mail Merge Starting Mail Merge

Using the Mail Merge Wizard Identifying the Main Document Creating a Recipient List

Customizing Columns in a Recipient List Rearranging Columns in a Recipient List Saving a Recipient List Entering Records into a Recipient List Sorting Records to be Merged Highlighting Merge Fields Inserting Merge Fields into a Document Previewing Merged Data Merging to a New Document

Merging to the Printer Sending Email Messages Exercise

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


Mail merge is often used to send out the same or similar letters to many recipients. Mail merge enables you to write one letter only and then merge the letter with a data source, creating customized, individual letters including information specific to each recipient (such as, names, addresses and other details). The result is a professional-looking letter tailored to each recipient.

Mail merge uses two types of documents: a main document and a data source. The main document (such as a letter) contains information common to each recipient. The data source contains the variable information (such as names and addresses). Merge fields are placed in the main document to indicate where each bit of data from the data source should appear. When you merge the variable information from the data source into the main document, one merged document is created for each record in the data source, with the variable information inserted into the corresponding merge fields.

In addition to letters, use mail merge to print mailing labels and addressed envelopes or to create a directory. Mail merge can produce documents in many formats; printed letters, files stored to disk for printing later, fax documents, and e-mail messages.

Mail merge involves following six basic steps:

1.Select the document type. 2.Create or select the main document. 3.Create or open the data source. 4.Insert the merge fields into the main document. 5.Preview the merged document. 6.Complete the merge.

Create mail merges easily using the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard that opens the Mail Merge task pane. The Mail Merge task pane provides the most guidance when merging documents and offers you the flexibility to review previous steps carried out in the process.

Use the buttons available on the Mailings tab to merge documents. These buttons are arranged in order of usage, from left to right. They are context-sensitive and change depending on where you are in the mail merge process.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

NOTE The Mail Merge task pane is also referred to in Word as the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard.


The first step in performing a mail merge is to open the Mail Merge task pane. The Mail Merge task pane guides you in creating, opening, and modifying the main document and the data source. The task pane provides instructions for each step in the process. While using the task pane, you can go back to any previous step to review or modify the mail merge.

Mail Merge task pane

NOTE When you want to begin a mail merge, the required buttons on the Mailings tab are only available when you have a document open. It does not matter, however, whether it is an existing main document or a new, blank document. The Mail Merge task pane is also referred to in Word as the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


1. Select the Mailings tab


2. Select the Start Mail Merge button

in the Start Mail Merge group.

3. Select Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard .

S TEP - BY -S TEP From the Student Data directory, open CANCUN1.DOCX . Start a Mail Merge.

Note: The steps in this lesson are specific to merging an existing letter with a new data source. With the guidance provided by the Mail Merge task pane, however, you will be able to apply what you learn in this lesson to other circumstances, whether you are working with a new main document, an existing data source, or any combination of such files.


Practice Data

1. Select the Mailings tab. The Mailings tab appears.


2. Select the Start Mail Merge button in the Start Mail Merge group. The Start Mail Merge menu opens.


3. Select Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard . The Mail Merge task pane opens.

Click Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard


The Mail Merge task pane is a wizard which takes you through all the steps involved in the mail merge process. Guidance is provided along the way, which can act as a useful memory prompt even if you are familiar with mail merge. While you can perform a mail merge using the buttons available on the Mailings tab, the Mail Merge wizard makes the process simpler and more straightforward.

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

If you need to leave the mail merge process part way through, Word returns you to the appropriate step in the Mail Merge task pane when you resume , making it easy to pick up exactly where you left off.

Each step of the Mail Merge wizard prompts you to make an appropriate selection, and provides guidance about which is most appropriate. For example, the second step of the process prompts you to select your main document. As you click each of the document options, a short description appears to help you make a selection. The Mail Merge wizard also prompts you take appropriate action, if necessary. In the second step, if you click the Start from a template option, the wizard describes this selection as Start from a ready-to-use mail merge template... and so on, and displays a link you can use to browse for the desired template.

Towards the bottom of the task pane, your place in the process is indicated, such as Step 2 of 6 . This is a convenient way of track where you are in the process.

There are links under this at the bottom of the task pane which you can use to navigate back and forth between the steps. This allows you to proceed to the next step when ready, or go back and make changes in previous steps. Word only allows you to proceed if valid options are selected in the current step.

NOTE When you want to resume a mail merge process you have not completed, open the main document. A Microsoft Office Word message will ask you to confirm that you want to open the document and retrieve the connected data source. Select Yes and the main document opens. Select the Mailings tab and open the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. The Mail Merge task pane opens at the relevant step in the process. As with other task panes, you can move, re-size, and dock the Mail Merge task pane in the document window, to suit yourself.

I DENTIFYING THE M AIN D OCUMENT  D ISCUSSION Before performing a mail merge, identify the main document you want to use. The main document contains information common to all merged documents.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016

The following types of documents are available in mail merge:

Document Type Definition Letters

Creates standard form letters sent to a group of people. Creates e-mail messages sent to a group of people.

E-mail messages


Prints addressed envelopes for a group mailing.


Creates labels.


Creates a single document containing a catalog or printed address list.

After identifying the main document type, the next step is choosing whether to use the current document or to create a new one.

NOTE If you have selected and opened your main document, you can carry out this step in the mail merge process by displaying the Mailings tab and selecting the Start Mail Merge button in the Start Mail Merge group. Select the appropriate document type from the menu, such as Letters .

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Select document type , select the desired document type. 2. Under Step 1 of 6 , select the Next: Starting document link. 3. Under Select starting document , select the desired main document.  S TEP - BY -S TEP Identify the main document.


Practice Data

1. Under Select document type ,


Letters , if

select the desired document type. A document type is selected.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


Practice Data

2. Under Step 1 of 6 , select the Next: Starting document link. Step 2 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 3. Under Select starting document , select the desired main document. The Use the current document option is selected.

Click Next: Starting document

Click Use the current document , if necessary


The next mail merge step is to create or identify the data source. A data source is a file that contains the information to merge into the document, typically the recipient of a letter or an e- mail message. The data source must contain the variable information inserted into the merge fields in the main document. A data source can be a Word document, a spreadsheet (such as an Excel workbook), a database (such as an Access database), or an Outlook contact list.

Before you create a data source, you must define the information you want to store in each record. Each individual piece of information in a record is called a field . For example, first name, last name, street, and city are all separate fields.

Think of the data source as an index card file with each index card containing one record (all information about one person, such as name, address, telephone number, and so on). If you create a data source in Word, it is saved as a Microsoft Office Address List (with the extension .mdb which is a file format used in earlier versions of Access) in the My Data Sources folder.

Since the essential requirement for a mail merge is the list of recipients, Word refers to the data source as a recipient list.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016

New Address List dialog box

NOTE Create a recipient list from scratch, use an existing list, or select recipients from Outlook contacts. Carry out this step in the mail merge process by displaying the Mailings tab and selecting the Select Recipients button in the Start Mail Merge group. Then, choose the appropriate option from the menu, such as Type New List .

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 2 of 6 , select the Next: Select recipients link. 2. Under Select recipients , select the Type a new list option.

3. Under Type a new list , select the Create link button


S TEP - BY -S TEP Create a data source or recipient list.

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


Practice Data

1. Under Step 2 of 6 , select the Next: Select recipients link. Step 3 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Under Select recipients , select the Type a new list option. Type a new list is selected and the task pane displays the corresponding options. 3. Under Type a new list , select the Create link button. The New Address List dialog box opens, with the insertion point in the Title box.

Click Next: Select recipients


Type a new list


Leave the New Address List dialog box open.

C USTOMIZING C OLUMNS IN A R ECIPIENT L IST  D ISCUSSION When creating a data source, Word provides a variety of pre-defined fields. Each field is identified by a label called a field name. Select the fields you want to include in your data source.

Fill in as much information as possible in your data source. Later in the process, you can select exactly which fields to include in the current mail merge. The more complete the data source, the more useful it is for future mail merges.

Customize the data source by adding, deleting, or renaming fields. Word also allows you to rearrange the field order.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016

Add a field to the data source

NOTE A new field name is always added below the currently selected field in the Customize Address List dialog box. Field names can contain spaces, such as ZIP Code . A data source in the mail merge process is also known as a recipient list in Word.


1. Select the Customize Columns button

in the New Address

List dialog box.

2. Select . 3. Type the desired field name in the Type a name for your field box.

4. Select . 5. Select the field you want to remove from the Field Names list.

6. Select


7. Select


S TEP - BY -S TEP Customize the columns in a recipient list.

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


Practice Data

1. Select the Customize Columns button in the New Address List dialog box. The Customize Address List dialog box opens with the first Field Name selected. The Add Field dialog box opens with the insertion point in the Type a name for your field box. 3. Type a new name in field for Type a name for your field . The name appears in the field. The Add Field dialog box closes. The new field name appears below the first field name in the Field Names list. 5. Select the field you want to remove from the Field Names list. The field is selected. 2. Select Add . 4. Select OK .



Type Region


Click Company Name

6. Select Delete .


A Microsoft Office Word message box opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

7. Select Yes .


The Microsoft Office Word message box closes and the field is deleted from the Field Names list.

Practice the Concept: Add another field called Qtr Sales . Remove the following field names: Home Phone and Work Phone .

Select the Country or Region field and click Rename . Change the field name to Country then click OK .

Leave the Customize Address List dialog box open.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


If you needed, rearrange the field order in a recipient list. Do this after adding or removing fields in the Customize Address List dialog box. Place fields in an appropriate order for entering data based on the working data list. For example, if you want to enter the last name into a record before entering the first name, move the Last Name field above the First Name field.

NOTE The order you enter data does not affect the order of the data in the merged document.


1. Select the field you want to move.

2. Select


as desired.

S TEP - BY -S TEP Rearrange fields in a recipient list.


Practice Data

1. Select the field you want to move. The field name is selected. 2. Select Move Up or Move Down as desired.

Click Region

Click twice (to below the Last Name field)

The field moves up or down the Field Names list accordingly.

Practice the Concept: Move the Qtr Sales field below the Country field. Move the E-mail Address field above the Qtr Sales field.

Leave the Customize Address List dialog box open.

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


After you customize and arrange the fields in the recipient list, it is a good idea to save your data source before you start entering records. When you save the data source, it is earmarked as a mail merge data source. By default, it is saved as a Microsoft Office Address List (with the extension .mdb which is a file format used in earlier versions of Access).

NOTE Open the data source in Microsoft Access to make changes. By default, data source files are saved to the My Data Sources folder in the Documents folder.


1. After you finish customizing the recipient list fields, select


2. Select . 3. Type the desired file name in the File name box.

4. Select



Save a recipient list.


Practice Data

1. After you finish customizing the recipient list fields, select OK . The Customize Address List dialog box closes. The New Address List dialog box displays the columns arranged base on the customization. The New Address List dialog box closes. The Save Address List dialog box opens with the insertion point in the File name box. 2. Select OK .




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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


Practice Data

3. Type the desired file name in the File name box. The text appears in the File name field.

Type sales1

4. Select Save .


The Save Address List dialog box closes. The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box appears.

Leave the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box open.

E NTERING R ECORDS INTO A R ECIPIENT L IST  D ISCUSSION After you save the recipient list, you are ready to enter the variable information in each individual data source record.

You cannot enter multiple lines in a field in the Edit Data Source dialog box; enter one whole record at a time.

Enter a data record in the Edit Data Source dialog box

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

NOTE Use the [Tab] key to move to the next field in the Edit Data Source dialog box, and the [Shift+Tab] key combination to move to the previous field. When you press the [Tab] key at the end of a record, a new record appears with the insertion point in the first field. You can also use the New Entry button to create a new data record. Carry out this part of the mail merge process by displaying the Mailings tab, and selecting the Edit Recipient List button in the Start Mail Merge group. If you are resuming the mail merge process later, select the Edit recipient list link in Step 3 of 6 in the Mail Merge task pane to display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box.

P ROCEDURES 1. Double-click the data source file name in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Data Source list. 2. Type the desired information into the first field. 3. Press [Tab] . 4. Enter information as desired into the remaining fields of the record.

5. To add another record, select the New Entry button


6. Enter information as desired into additional records.

7. After you finished entering all desired records, select


8. Confirm the action as appropriate. Select to confirm saving the changes to the data source. (Optionally, select Cancel to return to the Edit Data Source dialog box, or select No to close the data source without saving your changes.)

9. Select


S TEP - BY -S TEP Enter records into a recipient list.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


Practice Data

1. Double-click the data source file name in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Data Source list. The Edit Data Source dialog box appears with the insertion point in the first field. 2. Type the desired information into the first field. The text is displayed in the first field.

Double-click SALES1.MDB

Type Ms.

3. Press [Tab] .

Press [Tab]

The insertion point moves to the next field in the first record.

4. Enter information as desired into the remaining fields of the record. The information appears in the data fields.

Complete the first record with the information shown in the table below, leaving the Address Line 2 field blank.

5. To add another record, select the New Entry button.


A new, blank data record is displayed.

6. Add information as desired in additional records.

Add the two records below the first table to the data source.

The information is entered in the new records.

7. After adding all the desired records, select OK . A Microsoft Office Word message box opens asking you to confirm that you want to update your recipient list and save the changes to the data source file. 8. Confirm the action as appropriate. Select Yes to confirm saving the changes to the data source. The Microsoft Office Word message box and Edit Data Source dialog box close. The records appear in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box.



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Practice Data

9. Select OK .


The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box closes. The main document and Mail Merge task pane appear.

Complete the first record with the information shown in the following table, leaving the Address Line 2 field blank. Since you have created separate city, state, and ZIP code fields, you do not need to type a comma after the city name.


Record 1



First Name


Last Name




Address Line 1

389 Oak Lane

Address Line 2 City




ZIP Code




E-mail Address


Qtr Sales


Add Record 2 and Record 3. Do not create a new entry after adding Record 3 .


Record 2

Record 3




First Name



Last Name




West Coast

East Coast

Address Line 1

1202 Harrington Way

102 Dove Path

Address Line 2

Apt. 702



New Village


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Word 2016


Record 2

Record 3




Zip Code






E-mail Address

f.wentworth@worldsp ortgoods.com

j.livingston@worldspo rtgoods.com

Qtr Sales



Notice that the file name for the saved data source now displays under Use an existing list in the Mail Merge task pane.


Sort records by any field in a data source simply by clicking the corresponding column heading in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. You can sort records in alphabetical order by Last Name or in chronological order by the Birth Date field. Click the column heading once to sort records in ascending order; click it a second time changes the sort to descending order.

To sort on up to three fields, use the Sort link to open the Filter and Sort dialog box. If you have several people in a data source named Smith, sort the records first by the Last Name field and then by the First Name field.

Filter data sources to display only specific records. The drop-down list in any column heading displays all values for that field as well as several filter options. For instance, if you want to send letters to people living in New Jersey, filter the records by selecting NJ from the State field. Word merges only the filtered records.

Select one of the filter options available on any column heading drop-down list. The (Blanks) option displays all records where the corresponding field is blank. The (Nonblanks) option displays all records where the corresponding field contains any information at all. The (All) option turns off any filtering and displays all records. The (Advanced) option opens the Filter and Sort dialog box, where you can create any number of filters.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Sort settings in the Filter and Sort dialog box

NOTE The Filter and Sort dialog box filters or sorts only those records in which the check box is selected in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. You can also filter or sort the recipient list by displaying the Mailings tab and selecting the Edit Recipient List button in the Start Mail Merge group. When merging records, any existing filters and sorts in the Filter and Sort dialog box are applied. To remove existing filters or sorts, open the Filter and Sort dialog box and select the Clear All button on the Filter Records or Sort Records page.


1. Select the Edit recipient list link

under Use an existing list in

the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Select the column heading of the field by which you want to sort.

3. Select the Sort link


4. Select the Sort by list . 5. Select the field by which you want to sort. 6. Select the desired sort order. 7. To sort by additional fields, select one or both Then by lists, and select the desired fields and sort orders.

8. Select


9. Select



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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


Sort records to be merged.


Practice Data

1. Select the Edit recipient list link under Use an existing list in the Mail Merge task pane. The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box appears. 2. Select the column heading of the field by which you want to sort. The records are sorted by the selected field in ascending order.


Scroll as necessary and click the State column heading

3. Select the Sort link.


The Filter and Sort dialog box opens with the Sort Records page displayed.

4. Select the Sort by list.

Click Sort by

A list of available fields appears.

5. Select the field by which you want to sort. The field name displays in the Sort by box.

Click Last Name

6. Select the desired sort order. The sort order is selected.


Ascending , if


7. To sort by additional fields, select one or both Then by lists, and select the desired fields and sort orders. The field names are displayed in the Then by boxes and the sort orders are selected.

Follow the instructions in the following table.

8. Select OK .


The Filter and Sort dialog box closes and the records are sorted.

9. Select OK .


The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box closes.

Set the following sort options:

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge




Then by

First Name


Then by




Before you insert merge fields into the main document, set two specific document display options. Ensure that the Show field codes instead of their values option is deselected so that the field codes are hidden (this is the default setting). If field codes are hidden, you cannot inadvertently change a field name and the chance of error in the mail merge process is reduced. In addition, you must hide field codes to view the resulting merged documents properly.

It is also a good idea to set the Field shading option to Always . Merge fields are easier to recognize in the main document when they are shaded in gray.

Set document display options for merging


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


1. Select the File tab . 2. Select the Options button under help. 3. Select Advanced . 4. Scroll down to the Show document content section. 5. Deselect the Show field codes instead of their values option, if necessary.

6. Select the Field shading list


7. Select the Always option.

8. Select


S TEP - BY -S TEP Set document display options for merging.


Practice Data

1. Select the File tab.

The File menu appears.


2. Select the Options button. The Word Options dialog box appears.

Click Options

3. Select Advanced .

Click Advanced

The Advanced screen appears.

4. Scroll down to the Show document content section. The Show document content options appear. 5. Deselect the Show field codes instead of their values option. The Show field codes instead of their values option is deselected.

Scroll down to Show document content

Click Show field codes instead of their values to deselect it, if necessary

6. Select the Field shading list.

Click Field shading

A list of available options is displayed.

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


Practice Data

7. Select the Always option.

Click Always

The Always option is selected.

8. Select OK .


The Word Options dialog box closes and the document display options are saved.

I NSERTING M ERGE F IELDS INTO A D OCUMENT  D ISCUSSION The next step in the mail merge process is to insert merge fields into the main document.

Merge fields are inserted at the insertion point. When inserted, a merge field is enclosed in chevrons such as, <> . The merge field is also shaded if the Field shading option is set to Always in the Word Options dialog box, the Advanced page.

Related merge fields can be grouped. Word creates groupings for the more common main document items such as, addresses and greeting lines. These groupings include all necessary spacing and punctuation. You can easily insert a grouped merge field by clicking the corresponding link in the Mail Merge task pane. When you click a grouped item link, a dialog box opens from which you can select the desired formats and options.

Clicking the More items... link in the Mail Merge task pane opens the Insert Merge Field dialog box, which allows you to insert an individual merge field. After you insert the merge field, close the dialog box before inserting another merge field in a different document location.

If you insert an individual merge field that is not part of a grouped merge field, remember to include all necessary spacing and punctuation, both before and after the inserted merge field.


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Word 2016

Select options for a grouped merge field

NOTE Buttons available on the Mailings tab in the Write & Insert Fields group for inserting an address block or a greeting line. You can also use the bottom part of the Insert Merge Field button to quickly insert an individual field, or select the top part of the button to open the Insert Merge Field dialog box. The Format address according to the destination country/region option in the Insert Address Block dialog box formats international addresses with the correct layout for the recipient’s country. When inserting a grouped merge field, it is always worth double-checking that Word inserted the correct fields in the correct order. For example, some address fields in your data source might be named in ways that Word does not recognize. Therefore, Word might leave them out of an address block. Alternatively, Word may interpret the names of other fields in ways that you do not expect, and include them where they do not belong.

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 3 of 6 , select the Next: Write your letter link. 2. Position the insertion point in the main document where you want to insert a grouped merge field.

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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

3. Under Write your letter , select the link for the grouped merge field you want to insert. 4. Select or deselect the desired options. 5. To preview other addresses from your recipient list, use the arrow above the Preview field. . 7. Position the insertion point where you want to insert an individual merge field. 8. Under Write your letter , select the More items link 9. Select the desired field. 6. Select

10. Select


11. Select


S TEP - BY -S TEP Insert merge fields into a document.


Practice Data

1. Under Step 3 of 6 , select the Next: Write your letter link. Step 4 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Position the insertion point in the main document where you want to insert a grouped merge field. The insertion point moves to the new location. 3. Under Write your letter , select the link for the grouped merge field you want to insert. The Insert Address Block dialog box opens. 4. Select or deselect the desired options. The options are selected or deselected accordingly and a preview of the first address in your recipient list is displayed on the right.

Click Next: Write your letter

Press [Ctrl+Home] , if necessary


Click Mr. Josh Randall Jr. in the Insert recipient’s name in this format list


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Word 2016


Practice Data

5. To preview other addresses from your recipient list, use the arrows above the Preview field. Other addresses appear accordingly. The Insert Address Block dialog box closes. The grouped merge field is inserted into the main document at the insertion point. 7. Position the insertion point where you want to insert an individual merge field. The insertion point moves to the new location. 8. Under Write your letter , select the More items... link. The Insert Merge Field dialog box opens. 6. Select OK .

Click twice


Click after the Region: text


9. Select the desired field. The field is selected.

Click Region

10. Select Insert .


The merge field is inserted into the main document at the insertion point.

11. Select Close .


The Insert Merge Field dialog box closes.

Practice the Concept: Use the Greeting line... link in the Mail Merge task pane to insert Mr. Randall, on the second line below Region . ( Hint: Set the first list box to (none) .) To preview other greeting lines from your recipient list, use the arrows above the Preview field.

Finally, insert the Qtr Sales field after the dollar sign in the fourth line of the letter body. Close the Insert Merge Field dialog box.

P REVIEWING M ERGED D ATA  D ISCUSSION Preview the main document with the merged data before you actually carry out the merge.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Previewing the merged document is a good idea because you can use the preview to check for format and spelling errors or any unexpected merge results.

If you find an error in the main document, correct it. If you find an error in a data record, correct it in the merged document; however, also correct it in the data source if you plan to use it for another merge. Remember that you can return to previous steps in the Mail Merge task pane to make any corrections to the main document or the data source, then return to the current step in the process to preview the merged document again.

Preview the first merged record

NOTE Use the Preview Results button in the Preview Results group on the Mailings tab to view the merged document. By clicking the Next Record or Previous Record buttons in the Preview Results group you can preview each merged document.

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 4 of 6 , select the Next: Preview your letters link.

2. Under Preview your letters , select the Next Record button

to preview each

of the merged records. 3. Under Preview your letters , select the Previous Record button to navigate back

through the merged records.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016

S TEP - BY -S TEP Preview the merged document.


Practice Data

1. Under Step 4 of 6 , select the Next: Preview your letters link. Step 5 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. The first merged record is previewed in the document window. 2. Under Preview your letters , select the Next Record button to preview each merged record. The merged records are previewed accordingly. 3. Under Preview your letters , select the Previous Record button to navigate back through the merged records. The previous merged records are previewed.

Click Next: Preview your letters






After you preview the merged records, edit the main document or the recipient list as needed, or complete the merge. Editing the main document before you merge affects all merged letters, while editing a data source record permanently changes the edited records.

When you complete the merge, you can merge letters directly to the printer, or merge them to a new document. Selecting the Edit individual letters link automatically merges letters into a new document where you can make changes to individual letters. Changes made to individual letters in the merged document are not saved in the main document or in the data source. After making the changes, save the merged document as a separate document, or send the merged document to the printer and then close it without saving.

When you select the Edit individual letters link, choose the data records you want to merge; you can merge all data records, the current record only, or selected records.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

NOTE Use the Finish & Merge button in the Finish group on the Mailings tab to complete the merge. After completing a mail merge, detach the data source from the main document by selecting the Start Mail Merge button in the Start Mail Merge group, then choose Normal Word Document .

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 5 of 6 , select the Next: Complete the merge link.

2. Under Merge , select the Edit individual letters link


3. Select the records you want to merge to a new document.

4. Select



Merge to a new document.


Practice Data

1. Under Step 5 of 6 , select the Next: Complete the merge link. Step 6 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Under Merge , select the Edit individual letters link. The Merge to New Document dialog box opens. 3. Select the records you want to merge to a new document. The records are selected accordingly.

Click Next: Complete the merge



All , if necessary

4. Select OK .


The Merge to New Document dialog box closes. The records appear in a new, merged document.

Scroll through the new document to view the merged letters. Then, close the document without saving it.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016


After you preview the merged documents, merge them directly to the printer. This option lets you easily print merged documents without creating or saving a new, merged document.

NOTE Use the Finish & Merge button in the Finish group on the Mailings tab to complete the merge. When you have completed a mail merge, detach the data source from the main document by selecting the Start Mail Merge button in the Start Mail Merge group, then choose Normal Word Document .


1. Under Merge , select the Print link . 2. Select the records you want to merge to the printer.

3. Select


4. Select the desired options in the Print dialog box, then select .


Merge to the printer.


Practice Data

1. Under Merge , select the Print link. The Merge to Printer dialog box appears. 2. Select the records you want to merge to the printer. The records are selected.



All , if necessary

3. Select OK .


The Merge to Printer dialog box closes and the Print dialog box opens .

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


Practice Data

4. Select the desired options in the Print dialog box, then select OK . The Print dialog box closes, and Word prints the merged letters.


Close the Mail Merge task pane. Close all open documents without saving them.


Use mail merge to send personalized e-mail messages to recipients in your address list. As with a mail merged letter, the information in each message is basically the same but the content of each message is unique. For example, each message can address the recipient by name.

Furthermore, each mail merged e-mail message is a separate mailing where each contact is the sole recipient of a message. This appears more professional than sending an e-mail message to a distribution list or hiding recipients in the Bcc (blind carbon or courtesy, copy) line of the message.

Choose to send the message in HTML or plain text format, or as a simple e-mail attachment. You can also choose whether to send the e-mail to all records in your data source or selected recipients only.


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Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Word 2016

Step 2 of the Mail Merge wizard

NOTE You must have a MAPI-compliant e-mail program installed to mail merge and send e-mail messages. Microsoft Outlook is MAPI-compliant. Use the same versions of Outlook and Word, so if you are using Word 2016 you must also use Outlook 2016. You cannot add recipients to the Cc (carbon copy or courtesy copy) line for a mail merged e-mail.


1. Select the Mailings tab on the Ribbon .

2. Select the Start Mail Merge button

in the Start Mail Merge group.

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