Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge

Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge


Practice Data

1. Under Step 2 of 6 , select the Next: Select recipients link. Step 3 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Under Select recipients , select the Type a new list option. Type a new list is selected and the task pane displays the corresponding options. 3. Under Type a new list , select the Create link button. The New Address List dialog box opens, with the insertion point in the Title box.

Click Next: Select recipients


Type a new list


Leave the New Address List dialog box open.

C USTOMIZING C OLUMNS IN A R ECIPIENT L IST  D ISCUSSION When creating a data source, Word provides a variety of pre-defined fields. Each field is identified by a label called a field name. Select the fields you want to include in your data source.

Fill in as much information as possible in your data source. Later in the process, you can select exactly which fields to include in the current mail merge. The more complete the data source, the more useful it is for future mail merges.

Customize the data source by adding, deleting, or renaming fields. Word also allows you to rearrange the field order.


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