Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge

Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

Previewing the merged document is a good idea because you can use the preview to check for format and spelling errors or any unexpected merge results.

If you find an error in the main document, correct it. If you find an error in a data record, correct it in the merged document; however, also correct it in the data source if you plan to use it for another merge. Remember that you can return to previous steps in the Mail Merge task pane to make any corrections to the main document or the data source, then return to the current step in the process to preview the merged document again.

Preview the first merged record

NOTE Use the Preview Results button in the Preview Results group on the Mailings tab to view the merged document. By clicking the Next Record or Previous Record buttons in the Preview Results group you can preview each merged document.

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 4 of 6 , select the Next: Preview your letters link.

2. Under Preview your letters , select the Next Record button

to preview each

of the merged records. 3. Under Preview your letters , select the Previous Record button to navigate back

through the merged records.


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