Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge

Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge

NOTE Use the Finish & Merge button in the Finish group on the Mailings tab to complete the merge. After completing a mail merge, detach the data source from the main document by selecting the Start Mail Merge button in the Start Mail Merge group, then choose Normal Word Document .

P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 5 of 6 , select the Next: Complete the merge link.

2. Under Merge , select the Edit individual letters link


3. Select the records you want to merge to a new document.

4. Select



Merge to a new document.


Practice Data

1. Under Step 5 of 6 , select the Next: Complete the merge link. Step 6 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Under Merge , select the Edit individual letters link. The Merge to New Document dialog box opens. 3. Select the records you want to merge to a new document. The records are selected accordingly.

Click Next: Complete the merge



All , if necessary

4. Select OK .


The Merge to New Document dialog box closes. The records appear in a new, merged document.

Scroll through the new document to view the merged letters. Then, close the document without saving it.


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