Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge
Word 2016
Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge
T ASK Use mail merge to send a letter to a list of recipients.
1. Open INTRVW1 . DOCX and display the formatting marks, if necessary. 2. Deselect the Show field codes instead of their values option and set Field shading to Always , if necessary. ( Hint: Go to Options in the File tab, then select the Advanced page.) 3. Begin the mail merge by opening the Mail Merge task pane. 4. Create a letter to send to a group of people using the current document. 5. Create a new list of recipients. Customize the data source by removing the following fields: Company Name , Address Line 2 , Home Phone , Work Phone , and E-mail Address . 6. Add the following fields to the data source: Appt Date and Appt Time . Move the Appt Date field below the Last Name field then, move the Appt Time field below the Appt Date field.
7. Save the data source as prosp1 . 8. Add the following data records:
Appointment Date
Appointment Time
Mr. John Smith 305 Windsor Drive Media, PA 19107 USA
October 1
9:30 AM
Ms. Samantha Jones 654 Second Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 USA Mr. George Adams 777 Coldstream Lane Aston, PA 19108 USA
October 3
10:00 AM
October 4
9:45 AM
9. Use the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box to sort the records in ascending order by Last Name .
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