Excel 2016 Data and List Management
Lesson 3 – Working with Outlines
Excel 2016
Practice Data
4. Select or deselect the desired options.
Click Summary columns to right of detail to deselect it
The desired options are selected or deselected accordingly.
5. Select OK .
The Settings dialog box closes.
Practice the Concept: Select columns D through F. Click the top part of the Group button in the Outline group. Notice the arrangement of the Group Level button above the columns. Select columns C through F. Click the top part of the Group button. Notice the arrangement of the Group Level buttons above the columns. Click the Group Level buttons to collapse and expand the various levels and observe how the columns are hidden and redisplayed. U SING A UTO O UTLINE D ISCUSSION You can create an outline automatically on a worksheet using the Auto Outline feature. Excel analyzes your worksheet and creates levels based on the summary formulas it finds.
To use Auto Outline, the worksheet must be set up according to the following criteria:
1. Present data in a continuous range with no blank columns or rows. 2. To outline rows, column labels should appear in the first row of each column of data. To outline columns, row labels should appear in the first column of each row of data. 3. The worksheet must have columns or rows that summarize detail data. 4. The orientation of the summary columns or rows to the detail data must be consistent across the worksheet. That is, the summary columns or rows must be consistently above, below, to the right, or to the left of the detail data.
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