PowerPoint 2016 You Run the Show!

PowerPoint 2016

Lesson 5 – Presenting to a Wider Audience


Practice Data

3. Select Add a Digital Signature . The Microsoft Office PowerPoint information box opens.

Click Add a Digital Signature

4. Select the OK button.


The Get a Digital ID dialog box opens.

5. Select the Create your own digital ID radio button. The Create Your Own Digital ID radio button is selected. The Get a Digital ID dialog box closes and the Create a Digital ID dialog box appears. 7. Select the Name field and enter the relevant text. The Name field text is entered. 8. Select the Email address field and enter the relevant text. The Email address field text is entered. 9. Select the Organization field and enter the relevant text. The Organization field text is entered. 10. Select the Location field and enter the relevant text. The Location field text is entered. 6. Select the OK button.

Click on the Create your own digital ID radio button


Click on the Name field and type Mr Smith

Click on the Email address field type mrsmith@wsg.com

Click on the Organization field and type Worldwide Sporting Goods

Click on the Location field and type New York

11. Select the Create button.


The Create a Digital ID dialog box closes and the Sign dialog box opens.

12. Select the Purpose For Signing

Click on the Purpose For Signing This Document field and enter the text Profit Figures

This Document field and enter the relevant information. The text is entered.

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