Access 2016 Intermediate
Access 2016
Lesson 11 – Using Advanced Form Design
A form with form and page headers and footers in Design view
You can create a combo box on a form. A combo box provides you with a list of values from which you can choose. Choosing from a list is much faster and more accurate than remembering a value to be typed. However, you can also type a value directly into a combo box if the appropriate value is not available from the list.
A combo box can be bound to a field, meaning that when you select or enter a value, that value is entered in that field in the corresponding table. A combo box can also be unbound, meaning that when you select or enter a value, it is held in memory to be used in another control or calculation.
Access provides a Combo Box Wizard that guides you through the process of creating a combo box. Select the list of values from an existing table or query, or create the values for the list yourself. If you choose to select the list from an existing table or query, the wizard prompts you to enter the table or query and the field name. If you choose to create the list of values yourself, the wizard displays a column for the entries. Either way, after the values are entered into the wizard, you then specify
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