Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 11 – Using Advanced Form Design
Access 2016
whether the values should be entered into a field in the table or held in memory for later use. You complete the combo box by entering a label.
When you use the Combo Box tool, the mouse pointer changes into a copy of the tool with a plus sign (+) above and to the left of it.
The Combo Box wizard
1. Open the desired form in Design view. 2. Select the Design tab.
3. Click the Combo Box button in the Controls group. 4. Click in the form in the location where you want the combo box to appear. 5. Select the desired option for the source of the combo box values. . 7. Select the desired view option. 8. Select the table or query containing the values for the combo box in the Which table or query should provide the values for your combo box? list box. 6. Select
9. Select . 10. Select the field containing the values from the Available Fields list box.
11. Select
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