Outlook 2016 Introduction

Lesson 7 – Managing Contacts

Outlook 2016


You can edit a contact from the Contact window. You can change any contact information as desired. You should be aware, however, that if you edit a contact’s company address and you have added other contacts based on that company address, the other addresses do not update automatically.

If you open the Contact window to modify information, you can enter your changes directly into the text box for the field. Fields with multiple items of information, such as the Full Name field, or the telephone and address fields, display buttons for opening a dialog box to enter the field details. For those fields, you can either make your changes in the text box or open the details dialog box. For instance, you can enter the extension for a phone number field using the Extension field in the Check Phone Number dialog box, or by typing an “ x ” and the extension direction into the phone field.

NOTE There are several ways to enter a title and suffix for a contact in the Full Name field. You can type the information directly into the Full Name text box, click the Full Name button to open the Check Full Name dialog box, or use the Title and Suffix fields on the Details page.


1. Open the Contacts folder.

2. Double-click anywhere on the card if you’re in Business Card view..

3. Edit the contact’s information as desired.

4. Select the Save and Close


S TEP - BY -S TEP Edit a contact.

If necessary, open the Contacts folder.

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