Outlook 2016 Calendar Management

Outlook 2016

Lesson 2 – Managing Meetings

a new time. After you send the message, the meeting organizer receives a New Time Proposed message that they can respond to.

NOTE The default response when you are proposing a new time is Tentative . You can change the default to Accept or Decline by selecting the File tab and going to Options. Go to the Calendar button and select the desired option from the U se this response when you propose new meeting times list.


1. Open the Inbox folder.

2. Open the meeting invitation message.

3. Select the Propose New Time

button in the Meeting invitation window.

4. Click


5. Select a new time.

6. Select the



Propose a new meeting time.

Open your Inbox folder. You should have received a Departmental Meeting invitation in your Inbox.

Select the Departmental Meeting invitation in your Inbox folder.


Practice Data

1. Select the Propose New Time button Meeting ribbon. The Propose New drop-down opens.



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