Outlook 2016 Intermediate/Advanced
Outlook 2016
Lesson - Formatting Outlook Messages
Leave the message open.
Paragraph formatting refers to the alignment, indentation, and text spacing on a page. Alignment describes the relative location of text to the margins. Indentation is the distance between the text and the left margin. Use indents to visually display topic importance or subordinate information. Paragraph spacing refers to the amount of space before and after a paragraph and to the spacing between the lines in the paragraph.
While the Paragraph dialog box provides the most control over paragraph formatting, the buttons in the Format Text tab Paragraph group are usually sufficient for most message formatting.
The Paragraph group contains four alignment buttons: Align Text Left , Center , Align Text Right and Justify . Left alignment aligns text to the left margin and produces a ragged right margin. Center alignment centers text between the left and the right margins. Right alignment aligns text to the right margin and produces a ragged left margin. Justify aligns text to both the left and right margins by adding space between words where necessary.
Indent refers to the distance between the text and the left margin. The Paragraph group contains two indent buttons: Decrease Indent and Increase Indent . Use indents to visually display topic importance or subordinate information.
Format paragraphs
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