SharePoint 2016 End User

Lesson 2 – Working with Documents, Content, and Libraries

SharePoint 2016

TOPIC A: U PLOAD D OCUMENTS Opening, editing, and sharing documents are some of the most common ways people collaborate with SharePoint. Before you can edit or share documents, you first need to upload your documents to SharePoint. In this topic you will upload documents to SharePoint. S HARE P OINT L IBRARIES SharePoint libraries provide a central location to store and access files securely. A document library may contain a single type of file, such as documents or pictures, or multiple types of documents, such as spreadsheets and presentations. SharePoint also has features that allow users and administrators to manage the data stored in libraries. For example, documents can be added to a workflow to ensure forms and applications go through the appropriate approval process. Content can be uploaded and made available for sharing immediately or it can be held until approved. You can view document version histories and check files in and out of SharePoint, helping to ensure that you are working on the latest versions, and co-authoring documents effectively without having to worry about overwriting someone else's work. SharePoint also offers robust search and filtering capabilities to help you find the information you're looking for quickly. Libraries can be synchronized to your local computer for offline access. Site owners and designers may create any number of document libraries depending on how they wish to segregate the information stored on the site. The number and type of document libraries in a site, and the features enabled on those document libraries, are determined by the site owners and site designers, and may vary a great deal from site to site. L IBRARY F OLDERS You can create folders in most libraries. You use these folders the same way you would within a file share, to organize and group your files rather than having them in one large list. • Uploading using the Add Document option from SharePoint and browsing to the files you wish to upload. • Dragging and dropping files from your desktop to the library. • Creating a new document from the SharePoint menu using an installed application such as Microsoft® Office or Office Web Apps. • Sending an email with an attachment to the library. S HARE P OINT L IBRARY T YPES There are several types of SharePoint libraries that provide different functionality. The table below lists the types of libraries available in SharePoint. W AYS TO A DD D OCUMENTS TO L IBRARIES There are many ways to add documents to a SharePoint library:

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