SharePoint 2016 End User
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 3 – Working with Lists
TOPIC C: C ONFIGURE L IST V IEWS If you work with SharePoint lists frequently, it is often helpful to be able to customize the list view so that you can see the data that you're interested in, presented in the way that is most helpful to you. In this topic you will create and modify list views in SharePoint. L IST V IEWS A list view defines how the items in the list are displayed. The view may define specific columns that are displayed and their order, or may provide other visualizations such as a calendar for viewing schedules, or Gantt Chart for viewing project tasks. Every list has at least one view, this is often the All Items view, and may have additional views that you can choose from. Every list has a default view. You can select from available views to customize the way list data is displayed, or customize views to add, remove, or reorganize columns that are displayed. You can also create new views for yourself or to share with your team. Adding and changing views does not affect the information stored in the list, only how it is displayed. L IBRARY V IEWS Libraries also have views. You can create and customize library views the same as you can for lists. By default, document libraries start with the All Documents view.
L IST V IEW A UDIENCE There are two categories of list views available in each SharePoint Site.
Is available for anyone who has access to the list.
Is only available for the team member who created the view.
M OBILE V IEWS SharePoint 2013 supports access by mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablet computers. Any public view can be enabled for mobile access. If it is enabled, and the list is viewed on a mobile device, SharePoint will format the list view for the smaller screens of mobile devices. L IST V IEW T YPES When you create a new view in SharePoint 2013, you can use an existing view, or one of the view types as a starting point. The following view types are available in SharePoint 2013.
Displays the list on a web page, the items in the list are displayed similarly to items in a table with no borders showing. This view is common for list where data doesn't change often such as contact lists.
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