SharePoint 2016 End User
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 3 – Working with Lists
TOPIC D: F ILTER AND G ROUP WITH L IST V IEWS At times it is helpful to filter list results or group list data by specific columns in order to get a list view that is more helpful or easier to use. In this topic you will filter and group list views. L IST F ILTERING O PTIONS SharePoint gives you the option to filter list results as part of a list view to show only items that meet a specified criteria. Your filter can specify a single criteria, or two criteria to create an "and/or" filter. For example, if a salesperson is searching for contacts in their sales region, they might create a view that filters a contact list first by their sales region, and then by specific states within that region.
Figure 3 – 1: The list filtering options.
F ILTER O PERATORS A VAILABLE IN S HARE P OINT F ILTERS The following operators are available in SharePoint filters:
Is equal to
• • • • • • • •
Is not equal to Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equal to Is less than or equal to
Begins with
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