SharePoint 2016 End User

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 3 – Working with Lists

ACTIVITY: W ORKING WITH C OLUMNS , F ILTERING , AND G ROUPING Before You Begin You should be logged into the classroom SharePoint site, and your browser should have the Project Orange home page open. Scenario Now that you've changed some of the views in the lists you use frequently, you would like to make additional modifications to the information that is displayed and how it is displayed. For contacts, you want to see additional columns that have information you want, and you would like to filter and group both the contacts and task lists to see the information that is most important to you. In this activity, you will work with columns, filtering, and grouping to modify your list views. 1) Add and remove columns to your contacts view. a) On the Project Orange home page, select Orange Contacts. b) On the Orange Contacts page, on the ribbon, select the LIST tab, then in the Manage Views group, select Modify View. c) In the Columns section, uncheck the Attachments check box. d) Uncheck the Home Phone box. e) Check the following check boxes: City, Country/Region, Fax Number, State/Province. 2) Sort the view. a) In Sort section, in the First sort by the column drop-down menu, select Last Name (linked to item with edit menu). b) Verify that Show items in ascending order is selected. c) In the Then sort by the column drop-down list, select First Name. d) The Last Name and First name columns may already be selected, if so, continue to the next step. e) Verify that Show items in ascending order is selected. f) Scroll to the bottom of the page and select OK. g) Observe the modified view.


Observe that the new columns are displayed in the datasheet, but that State/Province does not immediately follow City. Some reordering of the columns is in order.

3) Rearrange column position in the view. a) On the ribbon, select the LIST tab, then in the Manage Views group, select Modify View. b) On the Edit View page, in the Columns section, observe the Position from Left assigned to the City column.


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