SharePoint 2016 End User
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 4 – Integrating with Microsoft Office
ACTIVITY: M ANAGING D OCUMENT V ERSIONS , V ERSION C ONTROL AND R ECOVERY IN S HARE P OINT Before You Begin You should be logged into the classroom SharePoint site, and your browser should have the Team Documents page open. Scenario As part of your job you will be working on a number specification documents that have multiple authors and contributors. To work effectively, your supervisor has asked you to familiarize yourself with SharePoint's version control, document check in and check out features, as well as document recovery options. In this activity, you will explore SharePoint document version features, view previous versions of documents, see versioning messages in Office applications, check documents out, view the results of attempting to work with a checked out document, and explore deleted item recovery. 1) Work with document versions in Office and SharePoint. a) On the Team Documents page, next to C++ and C Sharp development standards, select the Open Menu button, and on the document preview window select Edit.
A dialog box may appear in the bottom-left portion of Microsoft Word informing you that other users are editing the document, and that you can view the list of other authors on the status bar and may provide options for viewing changes made by others. This is expected.
b) In Microsoft Word, in the document body, under the existing text in the document, type
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