SharePoint 2016 End User

Lesson 4 – Integrating with Microsoft Office

SharePoint 2016

B ENEFITS OF D OCUMENT C HECK O UT Requiring check-out has several benefits. The author has more control of when document versions are created because they can save iterative changes that are not visible to other users without checking the document back in. The author can also update the document properties to capture better metadata about each version. D ELETED I TEM R ECOVERY IN S HARE P OINT When users delete documents, list items, lists, folders, and files in SharePoint, they are sent to a recycle bin. This provides a safety net for users, allowing them to request recovery for items that were accidentally deleted. Items remain in the recycle bin for the Site Collection until permanently deleted. Users must contact the site owner, or an administrator with permissions to access the recycle bin for the Site Collection. The administrator can open the recycle bin and restore the item.


Site owners have a scheduled time when the contents of the recycle bin will be permanently deleted. That timing is often related to when the site is backed up. Contact your site owner or administrator and ask them about the schedule so that you know the time frame in which you can request deleted item recovery.

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