SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
Lesson 3 – Adding and Configuring Libraries
SharePoint 2016
users who created or modified them, or to users with the content approvers right. After the files are approved, the new or changed item becomes visible to everyone. If an item is rejected, it remains invisible to other users. Rejected files, however, remain in the library until they are deleted by an administrator or the original author. Items posted or updated by users with the content approvers right are automatically approved. M AJOR V ERSION C OMPARED TO M AJOR AND M INOR (D RAFT ) V ERSIONS Versions allow users to retrieve or restore previous revision of a document without having to manage multiple copies. A user would access a document’s Version History and select the desired version. There are subtle but important differences between the major versioning only option and the major and minor versioning option configuration in SharePoint lists and libraries. With major versioning enabled, all users who have permission to see the Document library can view the content of every version. With major and minor versioning enabled, all users with read permissions can view major versions of documents. You can specify which users can also view minor versions. Typically, the ability to read minor versions is granted only to users with edit permissions or designated content approvers. Differentiating minor versions allows you to control what content is published and visible to the entire larger audience. For example, the Human Resources Document library might publish several employee documents. You might configure the permissions so that members of the HR staff are able to see major and minor versions, but restrict all other employees to seeing only major versions. R EQUIRE C HECK O UT By default, SharePoint allows multiple authors to edit a document simultaneously with an automatic feature called Co-Authoring . The Check Out feature allows an author to reserve a document for exclusive editing. While the document is checked out, others can open the document as read-only but cannot see the edits being made by the author who has the document checked. Checked out documents can be identified by a green arrow on the document’s icon. If you hover your cursor over the green arrow, SharePoint will identify who has the document checked out. Once the author is finished with their edits, they will need to Check In the document allowing others to see their edits and edit the document themselves. If versioning is enabled, as you check in a document, you will be prompted to enter a Version Comment . The ability to enter Version Comments is not available if documents are edited without checking it out. If the co-authoring feature is confusing or not desired by the site users, or if you want to ensure users have the opportunity to enter version comments, a site owner can require that documents are checked out of a SharePoint document library before they can be edited.
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