SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 3 – Adding and Configuring Libraries
TOPIC C: A DD AND C ONFIGURE A W IKI FOR Y OUR S HARE P OINT S ITE Your team will be collaborating on multiple topics and your employees have found wikis beneficial for collaborating on documentation. In this topic, you will create and configure a Wiki Page library. S HARE P OINT W IKI P AGE L IBRARY A Wiki Page library in SharePoint is a type of library designed to hold wiki pages. The library includes behaviors for creating wiki pages based on links in the content and additional views such as All Pages , Recent Changes , and so forth. C OMMON S HARE P OINT W IKI P AGE C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS The following table lists some of the common settings that are configured for SharePoint wiki page libraries and why:
General Settings → Versioning Settings
Content Approval Document Version History
May be enabled if the wiki is public or corporate facing and owners wish to control published content. Major version history is enabled by default. May be configured with major and minor versions so that changes can be tracked and reviewed and previous versions are not lost. Often set to only users who can edit or approve pages to make sure draft versions are not visible or accessible to the public.
General Settings → Versioning Settings
Draft Item Security
General Settings → Versioning Settings
All/User Choice
General Settings → Ratings Settings
May be enabled to allow wiki entries to be rated so that other users can find popular digital assets.
May be enabled to allow audience targeting. This creates a targeting column that can be used to refine content by audience target.
General Settings → Audience Targeting Settings
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