SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
Lesson 4 – Adding and Configuring Lists
SharePoint 2016
d) In the Name field, type resources . e) Click Create . f) In the Quick Launch, under Recent, click resources . g) Observe “resources” I the URL. h) Click the List tab and click the List Settings button. i) Under General Settings, click List name, description and navigation . j) Clear out the Name field and type Employee Resources . k) In the Display this document library on the Quick Launch? field, select Yes . l) In the Quick Launch, click Employee Resources . m) Observe “resources” I the URL.
9) Enter a resources link.
a) Click the +new link button. b) Enter the following information: i)
Type the Web address: http:// ii) Type the description: U.S. Office of Personnel Management iii) Notes: We follow OPM's operation status. Please review their status to determine if our office will open. c) Click Save . 10) Add and rename an HR Assignments task list. a) In SharePoint, select Site contents from the Quick Launch. b) Under List, Libraries and other Apps, select add an app . c) Select the Tasks tile. d) In the Name field, type assignments . e) Click Create . f) In the Quick Launch, under Recent, click assignments . g) Observe “assignments” I the URL. h) Click the List tab and click the List Settings button. i) Under General Settings, click List name, description and navigation . j) Clear out the Name field and type HR Assignments . k) In the Display this document library on the Quick Launch? field, select Yes . l) In the Quick Launch, click HR Assignments . m) Observe “assignments” I the URL.
11) Enter an assignment.
a) Click the +new task button. b) Enter the following information: i)
Task Name: Collect new tax forms from all staff ii) Start Date: Enter next Monday iii) Due Date: Enter next Wednesday iv) Assigned To: Enter your partner assigned to you by your instructor c) Click Save .
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