SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced

Lesson 1 – Configuring Site Metadata

SharePoint 2016

TOPIC A: M ETADATA AND D OCUMENT P ROPERTIES SharePoint has the potential to store and manage large amounts of data. Finding and retrieving the specific data you are looking for can be a challenge. Metadata and Document Properties will help categorize and organize your data in a user-friendly manner. M ETADATA Metadata is a term used to describe information about data, or data about data. Metadata allows you to associate additional information about the data that you store in SharePoint. For example, when you create a task in a SharePoint task list, SharePoint provides columns to allow you to provide additional information about the task. In addition to the task name, you can provide a start date, due date, priority, and status for the task. There are two important things to understand from the previous example; first, in SharePoint, metadata are the columns associated with an item. Start date, due date, and priority are all columns that have been associated with the Task List content type. Second, all of this metadata gives SharePoint users considerable power and flexibility. Users can search for tasks assigned to them, display tasks that are due in the next seven days, or create a report of tasks that have been completed to send to their boss. D OCUMENT P ROPERTIES SharePoint stores information about documents so that documents can be more easily organized and found through searches. By default, the only two properties available are Name and Title . The following table briefly describes these properties.




This is the file name of the document in question.


This is the descriptive title for the document. This can be different from the file name and is usually more descriptive. The title is what appears in the list of documents when viewing items in a document library.

D OCUMENT P ROPERTIES AND S ITE O WNERS Site owners may add other properties (metadata) to describe documents. For example, a site owner may add a project name property to categorize documents based on their project or they may add department properties to allow documents to be categorized that way. E NTERPRISE M ETADATA AND K EYWORDS S ETTINGS Enterprise Keywords is a feature that can be enabled by site owners. This provides a database called the Managed Team Store where it stores keywords that are associated with documents and other information. Users can associate keywords with documents to allow other users to find those documents when the keywords are searched for. For example, the HR department might tag the Travel Expense Guidelines document with the keywords "travel" and "expense" to make sure that document is found when either of those terms are searched for.

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