SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 1 – Configuring Site Metadata
TOPIC C: A DD C OLUMNS TO C ONTENT T YPES Once you've created a custom content type, the next thing you need to do is add columns to the content type so that metadata is associated with the content type. S ITE C OLUMNS IN S HARE P OINT As stated earlier, columns in SharePoint store data about the content you're storing. Site columns are fundamental elements in SharePoint. Site columns represent a type of data, such as first name, telephone number, task status, and so forth. Site columns are reusable, and can be applied to any content type such as documents, libraries, or lists throughout your SharePoint site. For example, the Title site column is associated with many different content types from documents to task items. You can select any site column and associate it with any content type. Some content types, such as the task list, have many site columns associated with them, some have very few. The document content type, for example, has the Title column associated with it by default. You can add additional columns to content types and lists if you want to store additional metadata about specific types of items. You can also create custom site columns to track custom metadata. For example, if your business is project-based, you may create several columns related to projects such as project name, client name, and project reference number and associate those columns with the document content type so that metadata can be included with documents in your organization. You can view, create, and configure site columns from the Site Settings page by selecting Site columns under the Web Designer Galleries group.
Figure 3-2: Site columns in SharePoint.
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