SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced
Lesson 2 – Adding a Default Workflow
SharePoint 2016
T HE W ORKFLOW T ASK L IST A Task List used with a workflow enables you to keep track of the tasks you need to perform. You can either use an existing task list or create a task list for the workflow. The following table describes the task list options.
You can use this task list option to keep track of the work that you or your team needs to complete.
New task list
You can create a new task list to be used by a workflow.
T HE W ORKFLOW H ISTORY L IST A history list used with a workflow enables you to generate and view workflow history that contains the history of every task in the task list of the workflow. It includes the date, time, and details of the user who performed the task. You can view workflow history either by using an existing history list or by creating a history list.
Workflow History
You can create a history list for workflow with this option.
New history list
You can create a new history list to be used by a workflow.
T HREE -S TATE W ORKFLOW The three-state workflow consists of three states; initial, middle, and final. The initial state is activated when the first task is initiated. During the initial state, the workflow becomes active after it is initiated by a user and an email is sent to the reviewer.
When the initial task is completed, the workflow progresses to the middle state and the task within the middle state is triggered to another user. During the middle state, the workflow is resolved by an approver who receives the email and the approver either approves or rejects the document items. When a user completes a task for the middle state, the final stage is reached and the workflow is closed.
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