SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 2 – Adding a Default Workflow


Before You Begin You are logged into SharePoint site in a browser tab. Create a new Document Library called Job Ad Requests . Scenario Your HR department needs to make sure new Job Ad Requests get reviewed and processed in a timely manner. The business process is as follows: When a Manager needs to hire someone for a new position, they submit the Job Ad Request for HR to review and publish. When the Job Ad is posted a Human Resources Representative needs to be notified. Once the Human Resources Representative has reviewed the Job Ad the Recruitment Director should be notified for final approval before its published.

1) Create a Workflow State Column. a) Navigate to the Job Ad Request library. b) Navigate to the Library Settings page.

c) Click Create column under the Columns section. d) In the Column Name field, Type Review Status . e) Under The type of information in this column is, select the Choice (menu to choose from) option. f) In the Additional Column Settings section, in the Require that this column contains information option, click Yes . g) In the Type each choice on a separate line text box, delete all the text and type New Job

Ad , Reviewed and Ready to Publish each in a separate line. h) Verify that New Job Ad appears in the Default value field. i) Click OK .

2) Add a Three-state Workflow a) Navigate to the Library Settings page. b) In the Permissions and Management section, click the Workflow Settings link. c) Click Add a Workflow . d) Under Select a workflow template, select Three-state . e) In the Name section, in the Enter a unique name for this workflow text box, type Job Ad Review . f) In the Task List section, from the Select a task list drop-down list, select Tasks (new) . g) In the History List section, from the Select a history list drop-down list, select Workflow History (new) . h) In the Start Options section, check the Creating a new item will start this workflow checkbox. i) Click Next .


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