SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 3 – Configuring Site Settings, Navigation and Search


Site Settings

Top Link bar

Quick Launch

Site contents

Site Navigation Options

W HEN N AVIGATION C AN C HANGE IN S HARE P OINT It's important to understand that each site has its own Quick Launch and may have its own top link bar (depending on how navigation inheritance is configured). Therefore, navigation can change whenever you access a new site. This includes moving between subsite and parent sites. You have options to inherit the Top Link bar navigation from the parent, but if navigation is not properly thought through, that might not matter. If a parent site has links to subsites, and not to itself (the parent) on the top link bar, and you access a subsite that is inheriting the top link bar, then you will not have a link to get back to the parent site. You should consider how users will work in your SharePoint site, and try to accommodate their frequent navigation needs by standardizing how sites are linked, and where users can find links to hub, parent, and top-level sites so that navigation is consistent and easy to use.


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