SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced
Lesson 3 – Configuring Site Settings, Navigation and Search
SharePoint 2016
TOPIC C: C ONFIGURE THE Q UICK L AUNCH Once you have several SharePoint sites and you have added several content structures to it you may need to configure the links so your team can quickly access them. In this topic, you will configure the Quick Launch. Q UICK L AUNCH C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS The Quick Launch provides a configurable set of links to content structures, pages, and other sites. If you select the Seattle style for your site pages, the Quick Launch is displayed on the upper-left portion of the page. If you select the Oslo style, the Quick Launch is displayed across the top of the page. You can edit the links available in the Quick Launch in Site Settings by selecting Quick Launch in the Look and Feel group. Through Site Settings you can create new navigation links, add new heading to the Quick Launch, and change the order of items in the Quick Launch. If you have the edit permission level for site you can also select the Edit Links object under the Quick Launch to add, remove, or reorder the links in the Quick Launch.
Site Settings: Quick Launch with edit links active.
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