Project 2013 Introduction
Project 2013
Lesson 3 – Working with Tasks
Viewing recurring tasks
1. Switch to the Gantt Chart view. 2. Click the plus sign ( + ) to the left of the recurring task to view the subtasks. 3. Click the minus sign ( - ) to the left of the recurring task to hide the subtasks.
View and hide recurring tasks.
Switch to the Gantt Chart view, if necessary.
Practice Data
1. Click the arrow to the left of the recurring task to view the subtasks. The subtasks appear below the recurring task in the Task Name column and their bars appear on the Gantt chart.
Click the arrow to the left of the Project Status Meeting task.
2. Click the arrow to the left of the
Click the arrow to the left of the Project Status Meeting task.
recurring task to hide the subtasks. The subtasks and their bars disappear from the Gantt chart.
Practice the Concept: Redisplay the Project Status Meeting subtasks.
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